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Workers' Rights and the History of Labor Unions

The phrase “strength in numbers” is a very common phrase that symbolizes the fact that a group working together has power, while individuals do not, or have less. This phrase was a major motto when advocating for workers’ rights. During the 1860s for the 1920s, America was going through a phase called the Industrial Revolution. Factories were built and machines were installed. Human-labor was no longer required as much; but it was still required to operate machinery. Factory owners hired workers to work, but he didn’t give workers good enough working conditions. Workers were often forced to work long hours in dangerous situations without much pay. This is when labor unions came in. Labor unions were groups of people formed to advocate for workers’ rights. They used three different strategies: Compromising with the boss/owner, getting benefits for workers, or working with politicians to pass laws that improved conditions. When they didn’t work, workers went on strike. Labor unions were really successful at improving conditions, and continue to do so today.

One of the strategies that labor unions used was making fair compromises. A compromise is an agreement or a settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions. In other words, a compromise is when an argument is settled when both sides make an agreement to do something if the other side does that thing. Labor unions tried to reason with factory owners to get better working conditions. Owners and factory owners can come to a fair compromise in several ways. They negotiated for safer working conditions, better wages, and a more versatile working schedule. They could have negotiated no more strikes for better conditions, or worked faster and better for better wages. However, both sides have to agree inorder for the compromise to work. For example, you can’t have owners still cutting pay even when workers are working quicker and better.

Workers in any place should always have separate rights that they always hold and maintain. Some rights are crucial, like health, safety, family leave, and sturdy income. I think that these rights are some that workers should demand and have. The U.S’s Occupational Safety and Health Act ensures a safe working environment for employees, making sure that employees are not put in danger every time they go to work. The Family and Medical Leave Act allows and orders workers to leave when there is a family or medical issue that is needing to be taken care of. This way, workers don’t have to abandon their families for work, or work in a weakened condition. The Equal Pay Act doesn’t allow business managers and bosses to lower wages based on sex or gender. This way, men and women will both be getting the same pay. With these acts, workers are put in a healthier environment and workspace.

Many people focus on the rights of employees in a workspace, and they overlook the employers. After all, employers also have their own rights they can manage. This can sound weird, but employers can monitor employee use of social media in violation of company policy. This means that employers can manage employees’ social media to ensure that they are not posting harmful content, whether to another co-worker or the entire company. This also related to the employees’ safety rights. Employers are also allowed to establish company policies and procedures for workplace performance and behavior. Employers can set policies and procedures for working while working. This ensures productivity cna making sure the workers are working diligently on what they are supposed to be working on and not following around chatting with a neighbor or scrolling on their phones. This is a major key to productivity. Last but not least, employers also have the power of employment at will, which means that they can terminate/fire or hire at any time according to what they think is best for the company.

Everybody must acknowledge the rights that workers and employers have in the workspace. Employees must be given equal salaries and given a safe environment, as well as the freedom to leave due to family or medical issues. Employers must also have the right to maintain order in the office and do what is best for the company. However, for everything to run smoothly, both sides must stick to their rights and fulfill the others’, in the case of employers. Fair conditions are a must-have for a productive and efficient workspace. This is what labor unions were campaigning for during the Industrial Revolution: To have a safe and healthy work environment with a versatile schedule and sturdy and equal salaries. After everything “Strength in numbers” truly sticks to its base meaning: There’s more strength in numbers than in individuals.

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