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Will Highly Advanced Technology Threaten Us in Future?

As more and more high-technology devices are invented by humans, people will think, “will these highly advanced technologies threaten us in the future?” This is a thoughtful question for us since robots like androids can replace people doing some work, it’s more important for us to think about this question. In my opinion, I think these highly advanced technologies may threaten us in the future because it’s becoming more and more similar to a person in reality, and it's hard for people to compare who’s a real person and who’s a robot. Also, it can replace people doing many jobs and make people have more bad habits like being lazier and lazier.

As the techniques of these highly advanced technologies are becoming better and better, it’s harder for people to compare them with real people. As an example, a computer program masquerading as a 13-year-old Ukrainian boy was developed in Russia by Vladimir Veselov and Eugene Demchenko for a test called “an experiment that focuses on whether people can tell whether they are communicating with a person or a machine. If the machine is able to fool people into thinking it’s human during a series of text conversations, it’s considered to have passed the test.” However, this 13-year-old boy successfully fooled a third of its human tester and passed the Turing Test (which means it can answer questions or topics prior without being set to the conversations). So, as the techniques of this technology become better and better, the opportunity for the high-tech devices to threaten people is more.

Since these technologies can replace some work today, they might replace more work and this will lead to a problem that there are fewer jobs for people to do. We know that robots help us a lot in many parts of our life like producing machines and replacing people from doing dangerous work. Also, they help the waiters in restaurants and help people deliver packets. Even though this really makes people’s life easier and more convenient, this also makes the rate of unemployment higher and higher. When the rate of unemployment is higher and higher, then more and more people lose their jobs. It's a very bad effect on our lives and is a thing that we do not want to happen. However, if these technologies are too high-tech, they’ll have a menace to the rate of employment.

By the way, highly advanced technology can help people do work, this makes people don’t want to do things by themselves and being lazier than before. As these highly advanced technologies are really convenient things to our life and can help us do a lot of work, this makes people lazier. Since machines can mop the floor or wash clothes and dishes, more and more people refuse to do housework at home. They usually control the machines or robots to help them finish it. Also, instead of making people lazier, they make people’s work easier. For example, machines and high-tech devices replace people’s work in the factories which makes the workers’ work easier and not that hard, and also makes the efficiency higher. So, aren’t these technologies really convenient to people’s lives and make people “lazier”?

To conclude, these highly advanced technologies will threaten us in the future but not in recent years. The threat from these highly advanced technologies must be a problem for humans even though nowadays, these technologies are all good for us. These highly advanced technologies make people much lazier than before when we don’t have them. They will make the unemployment rate become higher, which is something that we are really afraid of, then some people will not have a job to do. So then they don’t have money. Also, as the techniques are becoming better and getting to a higher level, it’s getting harder for people to distinguish them from a real person because they have the ability to have conversations that are not set up before. Highly advanced technology has been a bigger problem to us in recent years.

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