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Will AI Replace Human Labor?

The world of technology continues to grow at a rapid rate as the world evolves and the economy expands or corrupts. Nowadays, technology is becoming more vital than ever to communication, entertainment, and general daily usage. AI, or artificial intelligence, is becoming more and more advanced, and the advancement doesn’t seem to be stopping anytime soon. Big tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft, Amazon and many others are all competing to make a gadget that can be your AI best pal. AI is like a computer person. It can make a person using computers and coding, and if coded correctly, can be way much more efficient than human labor. These robots/computers are cheaper, faster, more productive, and more accurate. Truly, AI, robots, computers, and coding might define our future world for the better.

A common factor in the advantages of AI Over human labor is the factor of accuracy. Humans, as a living thing, can make mistakes commonly. Whenever our brain interpretations misalign with reality, us humans are prone to make mistakes. However, all that can be erased with a properly coded AI computer, gadget, phone, etc. For example, take OpenAi’s Whisper device. Coded to translate speech to text, it can do its job with accuracy rates higher than ever and in many different languages. AI can even clock, when programmed with accurate data, an accuracy rate of 95%. “One of the biggest benefits of Artificial Intelligence is that it can significantly reduce errors and increase accuracy and precision.” says AI can uphold a much more reliable accuracy than humans, and it makes sense to use it for legal depositions or important speeches, conversations, etc. When it all boils down, it really seems reasonable to go where accuracy leads us. 

Apart from accuracy, AI also wins over humans in speed and productivity. When humans work, their bodies naturally get tired, making it required to stop and rest. The efficiency of humans also might not match robots, who can be programmed to work at fast speeds. For example, take Athropic’s Claude. The language model can digest a 80,000 word (330 page) book in 30 seconds, opposed to human’s average rate of reading to 200-400 words per minute, which means that it would take 5 hours for a human to finish the book. Then, Claude can turn the book into a full-book summary with key points. This just shows how sometimes, you have got to admit the fact how AI can be more efficient and faster than human labor. “These technological advancements result in decreased production and operational expenses” says Asian Development Bank. When tasked with a job that involves being speedy and efficient, yet needing to get the job done correctly, a correctly programmed AI robot is your best bud. 

Money, money. Finance and economy is also key in today’s world, so naturally, money will play a part in everything, including the fact of how AI might be better than human labor. Why? Because it’s cheaper. Apart from small increments in accuracy and speed and efficiency, AI robots, and gadgets have been found to be cheaper than the cost of hired human labor, or employees. For example, getting ChatGPT requires a 20 dollar payment fee every month. However, a job for a human, like a biostatician, could cost over 8,000 dollars per month plus benefits. An AI powered app could literally do the same job faster, more accurate, and for 400x less pay.  “There are no demands for salaries, healthcare, vacation, or retirement benefits. The systems work around the clock without complaint.” says What else can you demand? They don’t need to get paid, they don’t get tired, they do it with accuracy and speed. When it comes to the economy, AI robots are actually much more favorable than a human worker. It won’t be a big surprise when rational enterprises start using them for their unique talents in the workfield.  

There is only so much you can ask for in a single computer, yet there is so much to learn. AI, artificial intelligence just keeps getting better and better as the world of technology evolves in the passing decades. AI keeps getting more important in daily life, like Microsoft, Google, Apple, FaceID, personalization, and social media. Though it is useful, AI can still not replace human labor, because it lacks the emotions and personalities to interact well with humans. For example, therapists will likely not get replaced by AI, because the job itself requires emotion and connection with each client. Additionally, AI lacks the impact of art or music, and can only use the data it is programmed with, so if the data is inaccurate, the performance will fail. Also, the robot can’t program itself, which means that a human has to program it before it can go to work. However, don’t despair. AI is still a very useful computer in many repetitive jobs, allowing humans to spend more time dwelling with activities that involve creativity, or maybe just to chill and hang out with their families. Whichever it is, AI will continue to get more advanced. Maybe someday, they’ll develop a truly flawless robot. Maybe...until then. 

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