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Why Do We Live Here

I live with my mother in San Jose, California. In the Bay Area, there is a variety of abundant natural resources including sunshine, stable weather, clean water along with rich soil, and etc. These natural resources and others entice many people to move to the Bay Area, California. One of those people who were attracted by the resources of the Bay Area was my mother. Today, we will learn about the natural resources in California that have attracted the many thousands of people who immigrated there.

California is one of the most ambitious states when it comes to solar power. In fact, it passed a bill that states that half of all Californian energy produced must be clean energy by 2050. This is ambitious, but we must note that California is the leading state when it comes to solar energy capacity. If all of California’s solar energy storages were filled up, they could power about 3.3 million homes. Second in place is Arizona, and if its solar energy storages were filled at maximum capacity, it would be enough to power only 327 thousand homes, which is much less than what California can pull off. Solar energy is one spot where California outshines all the other states.

Do you live in an area where constant and unpredictable storms or even natural disasters strike? Have you ever wanted to live in a place with stable weather? In California, there are not many drastic storms. From 1991 to 2010, California has witnessed an average of 11 tornadoes per year. That may sound like a lot to you, but that is not even close to the amount of tornadoes other states are struck by. Texas for example is hit by about 155 tornadoes per year and Kansas has been hit 96 times every year. Another way to think about that is that about one percent of all of America’s tornadoes hit California, but we all know that California is more than just one percent of the U.S.’s landmass. If you are an enthusiast of mild, peaceful weather, you may want to move to the Bay Area.

California is one of the largest agricultural sectors in the entire nation. California alone produces 99 percent of artichokes and walnuts, 97 percent of kiwis and plums, and much more. We can tell from these statistics that there is absolutely no need to fear a massive famine if you live in California. All of this is possible thanks to the two most simple natural resources, clean, chemical-free water, and rich soil. As long as there is a steady supply of these two resources, California will remain the most agriculturally productive state in the U.S.

California is one of the most resource-rich places to live in. For example, California not only has the most solar energy capacity of all the states, but also owns the largest solar farm on earth. Apart from clean energy, California also has a mild and stable climate. On average, there are about 11 tornadoes every year in California. By comparison, most other states have more than 40 tornadoes per year. Besides that, California is abundant in clean water. Without it, it would not be possible for California to produce most of America’s artichokes, walnuts, kiwis, and much more. When I grow up, I intend to live in California not just because of the natural resources, but because of the many job opportunities California has to offer.

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