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Why do Scientists Explore the Space?


Our planet earth is a living planet, which is the most important there  water, oxygen and plants and many animals. Of course the most important is it has people humans on there.Earth, our home planet, is a world unlike any other. The third planet from the sun, Earth is the only place in the known universe confirmed to host life. With a radius of 3,959 miles, Earth is the fifth largest planet in our solar system, and it's the only one known for sure to have liquid water on its surface. But people in nowadays, begin to pollute it from the The Third Industrial Revolution people kept using pollute air and poisonous water to pollute earth first it is filled with plants, fresh air, and Clearwater, but now there are many trash in ocean, and the air has been polluted. 

And nowadays, scientist, cats learning about space day, invented the telescope the spaceship rocket, and their man astronomer goes to the space to explore the moon and living on space for a month or even more to explore and study. Why are they doing this because they want to find a planet Which has water and oxygen this is what living things need we are all talking about alien and many people made films and stories about alien why because living things we learned only need three things some liquid water and oxygen without these we can’t live so scientists kept finding aliens and living science and other planets except earth. 

But why are they finding other planets of living things or is very good to live on there’s water there has air there has food and meat but why earth has been polluted by people earth has many problems we doesn’t mention or know like it has been warmer the water is been higher The poison in this ear is flow on earth and the water creatures are all died by trash and polluted poisonous water. That’s what people do. People wants them to live better to live on electric house and the cat pollute the Earth, the environment they let many animals died, and if the creatures all died on earth people can’t live long.

so what can we do? are we just moved to a new planet now we need to make less pollution and protect our earth protecting earth. This very easy if you put a plastic bottle in the trashcan, it will help reduce a lot of ocean and creatures if you choose to walk and ride a bicycle to work for school except cars you will protect the air from poisonous pollution and if everyone do the same, it will be very easy to protect earth and live in a clean and I’m polluted earth who doesn’t want to live in great place except the dirty one it is very easy if everyone do the same, so we need to make it a problem and make a great mention to it that will make our earth better. 

Earth is our home. It is not too big and not a small. It has enough sun, not hot not cold. It has creatures and it is the only one that we find creatures on it but now it is sick. We need to help it to make it be healthy so why don’t we help protect it? It will make a great effort if everyone do the same and earth will be a very good place and clean and polluted for everyone to live in. It may have many problems and nowadays, but I believe if we all make this a problem, we will make it better than now and even better. It will be many trees and all the animals are living that will be a creatures except nowadays.


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