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Why do Scientists Explore the Space?


Earth is our life planet , it is the one and only planet that has life on it so far. Earth is a very important planet, it is the planet that we live on, it is also called the life planet.  It looks like a round ball but has a lot of different colors on it when you are in a spaceship. Earth is a planet that has liquid water and has land at the same time. Liquid water is why we are able to live, it makes most of the oxygen on earth and it helps all animals to not be thirsty, earth is very different from the other planets. Earth is the third planet in the Milky Way and it is very small in comparison for the sun and the planets after earth. Earth is a very special and important place for all of us. 

Now scientists are exploring space, they went into the spaceship and flew out of Earth to see what was outside. They are doing this all because scientists are really curious about the world and the space that we live in so they want to learn about it no matter what happens to them. They are also exploring space because of the earth that is changing. They want to see if there is life on other planets so that way we can live on it like we do on our planet Earth. Exploring space can make us feel like we are abandoning Earth but actually we are not. They are out to find new things and explore for what they want to know and that is the whole point of exploring something new, we want to learn more. 

Earth is a good place to live, but we have been making plastic that we can only use for one I’ve and we would throw it into the garbage bin, but the thing that we don’t know is that they all end up in the ocean and we can hurt nature. Things also get worse by having a car, because what that is doing is actually adding more CO2s to earth and that is part of the climate change.  we might not be able to live on Earth any more after maybe 1000 years because of all of the pollution that we have made through these years. Even though earth is a good place, it still has some problems now. 

Even though there are going to be some problems on earth, we still have a bunch of solutions for it. First of all, we can reuse the material that we have made like using plastic and cut some things out of it or make a home fo the animals to live in, secondly, we can use buses or ride a bicycle to go to school or work because that way 20 to 30 people will only use one bus instead of using a lot of cars. The third solution is to plant trees, planting trees is a lot of help, because trees take away CO2s and it can give the animals a home to live in. There really are a lot of solutions and if we do that all together then we will be able to help out Earth. 

In conclusion we will not give up earth and we have to help earth if we don’t want to help, we still have to for our maybe next next next generation we can stop polluting, start to plant trees and make more progress. I still think that it would be nice to explore space myself so that I can actually see what is there. Then I could take a picture and even paint it. Space has so many different colors to paint. Also I could put the pictures online so everyone could see them and see what the real space is like. Exploring space is a very big step in society to learn more about where we live. 


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