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Why do people need a pet?

All pets play a special role in their owners lives like dogs and cats which can reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Currently, I don’t have a dog-I actually prefer cats. I am lucky enough to be able to be a cat-sitter. I am looking after my mom’s friend's cat. Whenever the cat's owner went away for vacation they always left their cat at our house. This tradition can be traced back about five years ago when the cat was almost two years old. Her name is Niu Niu which means little girl in Chinese. She is so cute that every time she comes over, my brothers and I fight about who gets to be closest to her. During the day we read books and play board games next to her; During the night we sleep together by her side in the basement. As long as we can, we stay close to her. Although she is not our cat, we consider her a part of our family.

While I am more of a cat person, I recognize why dogs make ideal pets for many people. Their loyalty and desire to be with their owner is unmatched. When you come back home from work or school, your dog will always be there to greet you with slobber smiles. When in danger, your dog will always be there to protect you even for the sake of their own lives. Taking dogs on walks, playing catch, and teaching them tricks will help strengthen the bond between you and your dog. Caring for them will teach you responsibility and empathy. Dogs will help people exercise more and are proven to lessen your anxiety and stress. Their playful spirit and love for you will make your everyday life brighter.

Pets are so important to have because they provide companionship, joy, and unconditional love. Dogs, cats, and other animals like birds and even turtles, will accompany you and provide constant warmth for those who live or feel alone. Pets are always excited to see you and offer endless affection for you. Caring for them gives people a sense of purpose and fulfillment. You will feel that you are needed and can't be replaced. Physical contact with pets will lower stress levels, boost your mood, reduce loneliness, and also lower blood pressure. These cute and irresistible creatures add fun and humor to your life even during difficult times. Our animal friends even teach us qualities like loyalty, patience, and resilience.

When our beloved pets pass away, it leaves an enormous hole in our heart like it can never be filled again. The grief can be extremely painful and long lasting. If Niu Niu died then I would be in tears. Even now writing this makes my fingers go numb. The exceptionally strong bond between humans and their pets developed over years of care and love. They become part of the family after this long, so losing them is just like losing a family member that destroys our normal life. Maybe at first we can’t accept this, but sooner or later we will have to realize that our animal friend was taken by god. This may take weeks or even months to start feeling like ourselves again and going back to our normal life. This intense grief reflects how our pets play such a meaningful role in our lives.

It’s important to honor the memory of our pets and how they lived their lives. Looking at old photos and videos of our pet will help us remember the impact they had in our lives. Focusing on the great time you had together will help you heal from the pain of losing them. When you're ready you can try to adopt another pet that you will care for and love. Pets give us cuddles and unconditional love and ask little in return. Although the grief of losing an animal friend lasts long and hurts deeply, they would not want us to feel depressed but instead remember the joy that they gave you. The love that pets give you can not be given by anyone else.

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