The story “Just Once” revolves around the world with a boy called Bryan, or other people would call him the Moose. They called Moose, because he was a big and strong tough guy, some people would call his grin sweet and nice. But on the field he was none of those, he was fast and strong, and sometimes devastating, and was the best blocker on their team, he had many achievements like being called to the all state conference twice, in his senior year. One game when they were losing twenty one to seventeen, it was an easy way to do it, their best back player goes behind their best defender and that was Moose. They okayed the ball, and they won, if it wasn’t for Moose they wouldn’t have one, but it was not his name they called out, it was Jerry the back guy who scored. That was when Moose wanted to play a run, he asked coach to do it, the next two games, but coach didn’t do it, but one game, they were up, by twenty one to zero, and coach kept on putting subs in. By the third quarter they were up fourth two to zero, then they subbed, and Moose was gonna run the ball. As the play started he had seen many players try to get him, but he kept going, and he went through them, and made it to the end zone. When his coach asked him if he was good, he said never again, not wanting to do it anymore.
There are many positions in football, like the quarterback, wide receiver and the defense. All of these roles contribute to the team effort. The quarterback and wide receiver throw the ball and score for the team, while the defense blocks the opposing side from trying to get the ball. Moose’s job is to be on defense. Moose is a very strong and athletic boy, because when he is blocking someone they will stay blocked, for the wide receiver and the quarterback. He is very good at his position, but does not always get the crowd's cheers. The fame of Jerry Dixon when he scores a touchdown makes Moose feel a little jealous, so he asks the coach if he can run a play. This part of role is different from what he usually does. When he does run the play he sees many people are after him, or in front of him. He sees how hard it is for him to do it, and how important his job is, to block the players. For when he does his job, it takes people out for his teammates to get open easily, and score touchdowns. Moose quits being a runner, and goes back to his important job.
Moose’s reputation is hardworking and is a good defender. Not only does his community notice him, but also colleges. In the beginning of the book they say that in his free time he reads newspapers. These newspapers talk about colleges who want Moose as part of their team. Moose is a highly skilled player, and colleges want him as a big part of their team. When he runs the play he sees how hard it is to be a runner and that he is good at one job already. Being successful at a role is a hard thing to do because you need the skill for it, like what Moose has, when you are as strong and big as he is, you are a good defense. Also while in the play he notices that the crowd is supporting him for trying a new role. This makes him realize that the crowd will still support him even when they don’t cheer for him. He also notices that the crowd still notices him even when he is in defense. That is his community, and the community will support him as a great defender, and they will still support him even when he is trying something new. Moose instantaneously stops being a running back, and he knows that his community will still support him in his defending life.
Everyone in the story is all congratulated, and it looks like they are cheering themselves, but they are actually talking about the team combined all together. Like when Jerry Dixon scores the touchdown, if it wasn’t for Moose then he wouldn’t have, so he goes up to him, and hugs Moose, showing that it was not only him. It also shows that they all are sharing their victory when they are all in the locker room, and the coach is complimenting everyone, and he says that if it wasn’t for Moose’s great blocking that won them the game too. But Moose didn’t feel that credited after the compliment, he thought that he was useless. But when he ran the ball, he saw how hard it was, and that not only he was credited, but also the defenders, or else there would be more than five or six, maybe the whole team. He also sees that when someone else scores a touchdown, then it is also part of the team's touchdown, and everybody contributed in a way. He sees that his role is important, because it keeps the blocked, and that is how he contributed to the touchdown.
The story “Just Once” talks about Bryan, or the Moose, is a great player at defense, but one day he sees that when someone scores the touchdown they get fame. So he asks his coach if he can run the ball, and then one game he does run the ball, and he scores a touchdown, but when he is asked how he feels he says he will not do it again. Moose quits the job as a running back shortly after, for a reason of that because he sees how hard it is, and that he contributes with his place. It also lets him see that he already has a job of his own that he is great at, being defense, he is seen not only by community but also colleges, and everywhere else. He also sees that everyone is congratulated, not just one person, when someone scores it is the team contribution that made it happen. Ultimately Moose never gave up, and he always tried good new things.