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Why Competing? What’s the Solution?

When you use the bathroom, eat a meal, drink some water, or turn on a light, you are using resources. But, the big question is: What is actually a resource? Well, a resource is a stock or supply of something that has value or purpose. Another definition would be something that can be used for making profits or benefits, whether that be a source, supply, or support. Some resources are: Food, water, energy, space, soil, sea and many more. So, there are many kinds of resources.

Organisms have to compete for many things. The most important one is resources. But why? Firstly, there is never enough food, water, or space to support all the organisms in a given environment. Sometimes, there will be no food, space or water for other species when some species have eaten, had, or drunk. Secondly, even if there is a large amount of resources, competition has been found. Thirdly, no species can live without these resources, and that will cause them to be endangered or even extinct. So, resources are very important because it helps animal’s survival.

To survive, organisms have to compete for many resources. Plants compete for light, water and space. Plants compete for light in these ways. When an old tree falls to the ground and dies, then there is a race to fill in the gap in the canopy. Plants compete for water in these ways. Some roots are deep to find stores of underground water. Plants also compete for minerals. enabling them to grow more successfully than the competitors on mineral poor soil. Animals compete for food, space and mates. Animals compete for food in these ways. Sometimes animals adapt so they eat different food from other species, other animals compete directly for the same prey. Animals compete for space in these ways. Territory is something animals compete for, and many will fight over it. Animals compete for mates in this way. Animals need to mate so they can have offspring. Competition is the struggle with organisms to survive because it is limited.

If we have no more resources, we cannot live. But, what if one day there are no resources? Let us first protect and save resources now. Firstly, we need to save electricity. Electricity helps us in many ways and is very important. Secondly, we need to stop deforestation. Then, our environment will be fresher. Thirdly, we need to reduce waste. All the waste ends up in a dump and is very hard to decompose. Fourthly, we need to have more nature reserves. Then, the animals will not be endangered. Fifthly, we need to protect our oceans. Then, it will not be polluted. Six, we need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Greenhouses really affect our environment. There are also many more. So, there are many solutions for resource problems.

I think that no matter if something is important or not, we still need to protect it. We live in nature. We depend on resources to live, and it is our need. If we are polluting resources and nature, we are polluting our environment. That will cause less resources, and soon there will be no resources for us to depend on. Then, we can’t live, and there will be no living organisms on earth. So, we ought to protect our nature if we want to live a better life.

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