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Why Competing? What’s the Solution?

What is a resource? Resource is the thing animals, plants or humans need to survive in their habitat. There are many resources, for example water, food, shelter, air, sun, soil, space, and trees. All of the resources either help animals or plants or humans to live on with their own lives. Some of the resources can't be replaced after it runs out though, for example trees, shelter, water and food. These kinds of resources are limited.

Some organisms need to compete for resources. But, why? These organisms need to compete for resources because the resources are limited. Sometimes it is also because of pollution, global warming, greenhouse effect, the decreasing of forest trees, and urban sprawl.

There are many ways plants compete for resources. For example some plants have specialized root growth that helps them make use of nutrients other plants can not. Other plants might stretch upwards and outwards to block each other’s access to the sun’s rays. They also might have mechanisms that directly inhibit other plants' growth by releasing phytochemicals, like the walnut tree. Animals also have many ways to compete for resources. For example they will use parasitism, mutualism or commensalism.

In order to have enough resources we can move or hunt some animals so that we can keep the amount of animals average in that area. When we move the animals away, we must be sure that the place the animals are moving to has less than the average amount of animals. In our daily life we also need to use reusable things instead of disposable things for example we can use our own cloth bags to hold things instead of using the plastic bag we got at the market. We need to print as little as possible; and if we must, print on both sides. This is a way to reuse paper, so that more animals, whether they are herbivores or carnivores, will survive.

Some organisms need to compete for resources, because the resources are limited, but sometimes it is because of pollution, global warming, greenhouse effect, the decreasing of forest trees, and urban sprawl. We need to protect the resources because animals,plants and humans depend on it. Without the resources we can’t survive. By protecting these resources we can also save the living things on earth, including ourselves.

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