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Why Competing? What’s the Solution?

A resource is like water, food, shelter. These are resources in the nature. There are also resources in our home. For example, books are also resources. All the stuff we could use in our life is all called resources. Everything in the world need resources. Plants, animals, human, we all need resources. Animals needs food, shelter and water. While humans needs more stuff. plants need sun, water, soil. These are all resources

  Even though there are a lot of resources in the nature, but animals still needs to compete for it. The resources are not always enough, and animals always wants more. So, the environment will be low of resources. In this situation, the stronger animals could have more resources. And after they competed for the resources and some animals die out, the environment will be balance again. 

 Both animals and plants compete for resources. Animals compete for water, food, shelter. They always want to grab the food from others. They either steal it from others, or fight other animals or find the resource itself. There are limited amount of shelter in the nature, there is only a few caves and stuff. And not so many animals are as smart as human, they don’t know how to build a habitat/shelter. Plants also compete for nutrition in soil, water in soil, sunlight and stuff. The compete water by growing long roots and they also tried to grow tall for sunlight. 

  I believe that humans should not do anything to the resource problem in the nature. I think that humans are caring too much. The most natural way is the best. They compete for resources, the strong animals will survive and the weak animals will die out. The whole process don’t need humans. They just fight with other and compete for th resources. This is even a better way. For humans, no matter who win the resources, the humans always have enough resources. 

  Resources are important every king of mechanism to survive. If we simplificate it, if there are no more resources, organisms will die out. Plants compete for sunlight by growing tall. They compete for the nutrition in the soil by grong long roots. Animals either still from others, find it themselves or fight for it. So we can see, both animals and plants need to compete for resources to survive. And I believe that the most natural way ot solve resource problem is the best. We should let animals solve this problem themselves.

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