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Why Competing? What’s the Solution?

A resource is a supply of something that an organization or person has and can use in order to function properly. In this case, resources are the things that the animal population needs in order to survive. There are many kinds of resources, but the resources that animals seek to survive are water, food, and shelter. All forms of organisms need water and food to survive. And we need shelter to rest. Besides these things, animals also need mates to have offspring to continue the family. They also need a space to hunt for food and get other resources. So, these are the supplies of things that animals need.

Sometimes organisms have to compete with each other for resources. Sometimes the natural world that we live in is low on food and water. We know that there are many living things on Earth and they all need food and water, so they can use up the supplies quickly. Sometimes more than one organism needs the same reserves and they end up competing. The natural world has limited resources and in every ecosystem there is at least one plant or animal that has the same needs as another plant or animal. And also, sometimes we humans destroy animals’ shelters. For example when we cut down a forest to clear the land for building or for other purposes, we will destroy the habitat of the animals that dwell in that forest. So, these are the reasons for organism competition.

Plants compete for sunlight by growing quickly to reach it, because the taller a plant the more sunlight it absorbs. They shade other plants with its leaves, because it keeps them from getting sunlight. They compete for nutrients in the soil by stretching out their roots and maximizing their lengths. Animal competition comes in three forms. Performance competition is when the animal with the most cleverest way to get the resource wins. Head-to-head predatory competition is when animals compete for the same piece of food. Predator vs prey is when the predator eats the prey or when the prey wins by escaping. So, these are the ways that plants and animals have competition over supplies.

I have three solutions for this resource problem. First, hunters can hunt the smaller animals. Using this method, we can lower the number of the animal population. This increases the amount of resources. And it can also benefit the animal population and the human population by giving us food. Second, we can move some bigger animals to other places. Because big animals consume a lot of supplies. Therefore, it can also increase the amount of food, water, and shelter. Last but not least, we can use less reserves and not waste any of it. This way, we can leave more things for the animals and plants. So, these are the solutions for this problem.

In conclusion, organisms are competing for resources, which are water, food, shelter, etc., because the environment is limited or low on these things. Plants and animals compete by fighting or keeping others from getting them. And this resource competition is a big problem that might have an  impact on the ecosystem. Luckily, we have some solutions, like hunting, relocating, and not wasting. I also hope that someday we can overcome this problem and have enough reserves for all of us to survive.

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