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Why Competing? What’s the solution?

There are many resources for animals and plants in an environment. All organisms need water, food, shelter, air, land, trees, soil, space etc. Without these things in an environment animals and plants won’t be able to survive. These resources are all beneficial, which means they are good and healthy for organisms. The longer the environment has the just-right things for the organisms, the longer they will live. But if the environment is low on any of these things, many species will die.

Also, if the environment has low levels of these things, the creatures might start competing for the beneficial resources. Why would they do that? There are some reasons. First, without the resources for a very long time, the environment will be detrimental. Which means it will be bad and unhealthy for the animals. Second, they also compete for space. It won’t be enough space for everyone if the environment does not have many resources. And last but not least, all animals want to live longer. Those who get to the resources first have the best chance of survival.

Plants compete for nutrients by pre-empting nutrient supplies from coming into contact with neighbors. One way is they might start growing higher to get sunlight. And deeper with the roots. Another way is to grow further away from them. Another way is to just suck others nutrients. For the animals, one way is just to fight. Whoever wins gets the recourse they found. Another way is to hunt other animals and eat them for food. The last way is just to leave this environment and go to another environment that has high on these resources.

How can we solve the problem? Well, we can plant more trees and plants to make more homeland for the animals. We can stop hunting wild animals. We can reduce the use of some electronics tools. Also, we can build some animal safety shelters to keep endangered animals safe. In those ways, we could provide space, share recourse, and protect animals from getting sick, endangered, and to extinction. We could save the animals if we give up competing with them. And then, the earth will become more and more balancing and harmonious !

Earlier in the days, Humans steal space and environments from the animals. And they pollute, cut trees, build factories, and do everything that is making the world bad and unhealthy. Then what happened is that animal species started dying. Some of them got endangered. A little group of them got extinct! Luckily, people started noticing that if animals are dying, it makes the earth die. And it is not good for humans. They tried to save them. And succeeded. Sometimes win-win is the fairest way, and now the world is at peace!

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