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Whose Lives Matter?

“Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry” is an African- American literature written by Mildred D Taylor. Set in the 1930s during the Great Depression and the era of racial segregation in the southern United States. The story is about the Logan family, who are African-American, they have their own piece of land that some white landowners want. A young girl, Cassie Logan, learns important stuff about racism and how being together as a family is strong. Throughout the story, the Logan family face mean treatment and violence because of the color of their skin. It goes through various instances of discrimination, but they stand up against racism and fight for their rights.

Black Lives Matter is a significant movement that's all about making sure African Americans get treated fairly. For a long time, they've had to deal with racism and not being treated the same as other white people. This movement aims to fix things like police violence and just unfair treatment. They want to show that change can happen and that African American lives matter just as much as anyone else's. The goal is to make sure that in every part of society, African Americans are treated with respect and fairness.

Every race, including African Americans, Asians, Indian Americans, and all others, deserves fairness and equality. The phrase "No dogs and Chinese allowed" was linked to signs supposedly exhibited in Shanghai during the late 19th century colonial period. Those signs were really mean and showed how people were treated discriminated because of their race. It is also a thorn in the heart of every Chinese People need to recognize and learn from such historical injustices so they don't make the same mistakes. It's essential to treat everyone with respect and make sure that no one is treated unfairly because of their race or background. Every person's life matters, regardless of where they come from or what they look like.

There are some resolutions, such as promoting education about different cultures, histories, and perspectives. This can help people understand and appreciate the richness of diversity. When we learn about and celebrate different cultures, histories, and points of views, we start to understand just how amazing and diverse our world really is. Advocate for and support laws and policies that promote equality and prevent discrimination. We should stand up for what's right and make sure everyone has the same chances. Promote empathy, kindness, and respect in everyday interactions. Small acts of kindness can contribute to a more inclusive society.

The Black Lives Matter movement was standing up against the really old racism that has hurt African Americans for a long time. It calls for equality and understanding such as police violence and unequal treatment. The haunting historical example of the phrase "No dogs and Chinese allowed" reminds us that all lives should be treated with dignity and respect. No matter our race or background, we all deserve to be treated fairly. By educating ourselves about different cultures, advocating for just laws, and showing kindness to one another. This is crucial in building a harmonious and inclusive world.

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