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Whose Lives Matter?

There’s no doubt that the banning of slavery was a great milestone in American history, and African Americans all across the U.S. thought the nightmare was over. Except it wasn’t. Even though slavery was gone, segregation still lived. African Americans were mistreated, shunned, disrespected, and scorned by the racist white people. Life for African Americans was still terrible, and Mildred D. Taylor expressed their hardships perfectly with her book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry. It talks about an African American family and the racism they encountered. Anywhere from giving African Americans the worst-kept school books, to firing an African American just because she talked about slavery in school, to downright trying to kill them even when they were innocent.

Anyone can figure out that this book focuses mainly on racism and segregation. Racism is unfair and ridiculous on many levels. First, African Americans are just as human as whites. They have the same free will, intelligence, and human rights as whites do. Just because they're black and came from Africa means nothing. Furthermore, if one's skin is black, it means they’re healthy. There aren’t any faults with being colored. Segregation is also a form of racism. Some whites even go as far to treat African Americans as if their lives didn’t matter, killing them without even caring. Black lives matter. They are the same as others. We’re all the same animal species, no matter if we’re white, black, brown, Asian, or tan. Everyone is the same species and has the same rights.

By now we can all agree that black lives matter, but other races matter too. There are a variety of races, including Asian, Alaska Native, and Native Hawaiian. These people’s lives are just as valuable as any other person’s. As aforementioned, we are all the same species with the same blood running through our veins. It would be racist to think that one race has a higher value than another. This brings up a lesson, a lesson we should be using but aren’t: Never judge a person by appearance. Appearances mean nothing, as we are born with them, decided upon by our genetic code. We cannot change our appearances, so others don’t have the right to judge based on appearance.

There are an abundance of ways to help eliminate racism. First, try to affect the community around you. If you see someone being racist, try your hardest to stop them. Tell them that all people are the same, no matter their race. You can also hang posters. Teach your classmates about racism, how bad it is, and how we need to stop it. For a quicker spread of information, you can make a website on racism, or simply tell people around you to check out a website about racism. The president can access more media, so that way the information can spread even faster.

In conclusion, Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry talks about a very serious issue: Racism. It has plagued our society once, it may rise again. We must always remember that no matter our race, we are all the same species, and no one should be scorned just because of their color. If we want to exterminate this monster, we must act now, with any ideas at hand. I highly recommend the book Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry, for it tells the truth on racism and how bad it is. Racism has corrupted our society once, and we mustn't forget it. Let’s all hope that through our acts today, we will eradicate racism once and for all in the future.

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