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Whose Lives Matter?

The book Roll of Thunder, Hear my cry was written by Mildred. D. Taylor. It is a story of an African American family. There is an unfairness in the skin color. People before thought that African American people should use colored water and the elevator they can only use once that only for African American people. I think that we should care about the lives of different people. because everyone on this planet is fair. there is nothing to argue if you are colored or are white, we are all the same. There is unfairness between black and white people in America and other places. White people can go on the bus and sit and African American people could just stand if some white people want to sit at their place. So, we are going to see who lives matter.

Different skin color doesn't matter. Different skin color means like you're white you're black maybe you are a Chinese person, so you are yellow. For example, sometimes people think that black people work all the colors people are bad, so they give them a different thing. but those African American people also showed a very good lead to others. America also has Ex-president, as do other countries.

Colored people can also be famous. Being famous means that you have many people like you and know you. For example, Martin Luther King, Rosa Parks, Barack Obama. They change many lives for colored people. Like Rosa Parks made the black people can use the bus and the same thing before that black people can also sit on buses. Martin Luther King also had a speech called I had a dream. It made some white people think that they did wrong, and people started to respect colored people. Colored people can make a miracle.

Every life should be respected by others. It means that every life should have equal treatment. Black and white is just a skin color. It doesn't matter. if everyone can lead the world. or be famous. color and white people are the same. It is just a color on the skin and they can still work, they can still play and they can have their respect from others. lives are the same it's just look at if you want to work we'll just test 1's 2 don’t do anything.

All people's lives matter. A difference in color can make you use different things. But there are also some famous colored people who will help all of the people that didn't get respect. They just use a few movements or maybe just a speech can make colored people's lives easier and be fair and sane. Everybody's lives are the same black people and white people are the same. All people's lives matter but this is not a competition to see who is the best but everyone lives matter.

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