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Who Was the Bravest? - Critical Review of Treasure Island

In the story, many people were brave. They were basically risking their lives to go to Treasure Island. No one would know what the island might hold. Long John Silver killed many people, but he was still brave because he did something that he knew would get him into trouble. Even though he knew that, he was brave enough to do it. There are also many good people who did brave things, like Jim Hawkins and his mom. They took stuff from Billy Bones, with the risk of getting caught. I think Jim Hawkins was brave.

First of all, he raided Billy Bones’s sea-chest . Jim also searched the captain for the key to the treasure chest. Many people would be scared of touching a dead person or being discovered if they take someone else’s stuff, but not Jim. There were many reasons why he shouldn’t have taken the captain’s things, but he was brave enough to do it. Jim was a little scared when he was doing it - as everyone should when they raid someone of their treasures - but in the end, he succeeded.

Next, he approached Ben Gunn instead of cowering and running from him. If Jim hid from Ben, he wouldn’t have made a friend. Ben turned out to be nice and Jim wouldn’t have known that if he hadn’t talked with him. Although Jim was afraid of Ben at first, he conquered his fear by approaching him. In the story, it said that Ben was dark and shaggy, like a monkey. If Jim wasn’t brave, he would have just hidden or ran from him. That is not what he did. Instead, he did the opposite of that.

He also got on the Hispaniola when it seemed like no one was there. If anyone was onboard, he wouldn’t know. The people on board wouldn’t tell him if they were there or not. Although it looked liked it was deserted, there could be people below deck. They could have been drunk and dangerous, but Jim wasn’t afraid and got on. The people could just be hiding.

In conclusion, that is why I think Jim Hawkins was brave. He raided Billy Bones’s sea-chest and approached Ben Gunn instead of cowering and running. Jim also got on board the Hispaniola without getting discovered. Many would be afraid to take stuff from a drunk captain, board a ship which might have not been deserted, and their friends or approach a scary in fear of getting killed, but Jim Hawkins was not one of them.

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