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Who’s Lives Matter - Essay based on Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry

All people's lives matter, there is no such thing of authority. We need to be treated the same and equally.We shouldn’t only because of the skin color to tell if this is allowed in the place,like in the USA the african american people is always treated worse in the USA. They teach worse than the American students. The african american protest because their skin color on there face just like what Mildred D.Taylor said "Baby, we have no choice of what color we're born or who our parents are or whether we're rich or poor. What we do have is some choice over what we make of our lives once we're here."It is not about what color of skin we have but its ourselves who make the dream.

The Indians appear more earlier than the americans(people from Europe)that had steal their land and make the Indians became slaves for the rich familys.After they became slaves, the goverment give the african americans a land to live on and give them food, but some Americans just envy about the the african anericans so they tell the goverment and so the

African american use bad things.

People see the wrong side of African american. Their skin color is black but they have a bright heart.They didn’t break laws but people just don’t want to see them in the USA.So they needed to make their envy turn into rights and make the african americans into unfair predicament.People think that it is so that it came to a bad situation and people started to complain on this and everything turns very not good.

Now in the USA the police started catching innocent african americans because of their skin color it is so unfair to the african american just because of their skin color.We need to stop the americans to catch innocent african american. Every person’s life matters not because of their skin color. We need to respect others by not looking at their appearence but looking inside in their heart.

Not every african american is bad,you only need to see from inside of the person so that you can know more about the person.We should not rash in things, because you can blame someone in justly and don’t be careful of what you do and what you say when you are rash so that it will make the live of the african americans life better. Every person’s life matters not because of their skin color.

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