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Who is Bad? - Critics of The One and Only Ivan

Basic Elements:

Characters: Ivan, Bob, Ruby, Stella, Mack 

Setting: In the zoo, the mall at exit 8

Plot: Ruby’s life is not very good at the beginning 

Genre: Novel

Perspective: the first viewpoint

The story The One and Only Ivan talks about mack, who works in the circus to take care of the animals, he is a very bad man who only thinks of money, not other animals feeling, and when he hears that if he trains the animals, he can gets more money, he doesn't cares anything, he trains the animals not using saying or like trains people, he tortured the animals, he wants to get money, he wants to live better. Because the animal can do tricks very well, he lets it live in a very big and comfortable cage with TV, bananas, and do the things all it wants. Otherwise, if the animal doesn't know any tricks he lets it live in a very small cage which is very uncomfortable. And there is not only one bad guy in this story, behind the stage, there are some people who are very bad like Mack too. 

The hunters are bad, they might be good for some bad people, but they are bad for the animals and the environment. The hunters will make the death for the animals in sometimes, if this animal died, and it will make less baby of this kind of animal, and they will make their animal hunters less because of food, and the food this kind of animals eat will be many and many, and the environment will be not in control, we all say, big fish eat small fish, small fish eat small shrimp, and if one of the species grow less or more, the environment will be not balanced. The hunters will sell the animals with a lot of money. The hunters only think of the life of themselves, they don't care about the animals and their families, the animals will be very sad and they will leave their families. 

The people in the circus is very bad too, they trained the animals which is wild by torturing, and the animals must do the thing the trainer wants, it can't do what they want, they are wild animals, they are wild, they are free before, they don't like to be control, but they must do, or they will be famished in some days, the circus will sell them to another place, so they will be very uncomfortable and very lonely because of leaving their families and lives in a new place that they doesn't like. The trainers may think they are very good at training, but they may train in a different way, with no torture. The animals must behave, or they will be striked. The trainers are very cruel, they are bad to the animals. 

The worst is not other people, it is the visitors. All of us might be visitors in a new city or place, but don't be a visitor in the circus, you will make the animals uncomfortable! If you go to see a circus show act by animals, you will give money to the circus, and the circus have money to trained and buy the animals, and the hunters will have money, they will hunt more animals, and that will make an unbalanced environment, and the circus will wants to make more money, and they will trained more the animals, and the animals will be less free and more sadness. And this is why the visitors are very bad to the animals, and are the worst people to the animals. So next time, don't see the animals show! If you want, do some difficult tricks by yourself! Don't let the circus make money! 

In conclusion, there are many bad people to the animals, the hunters, the people who work in the circus, and the visitors, the hunters kill for money, commercial hunting and capture baby animals. The circus buy baby animals from , training them and torture. The people in the mall who use animals as exhibitions , like Mackare , are very bad. The worst people, visitors and audience,  the ultimate bad source. There are many people like Mack who are very bad and don't care about the animals' feelings behind the stage. Animals are like people, they have feelings, they want freedom, they are from the wild, all of them have to be put into the wild, in their families, for their happy life. Some people don't let this happen, they want to be happy by making other animals unhappy. These people are cruel. So don't be these people! 

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