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Which one do you choose?

Over millions of years, the earth changes. Plants and creatures. They change because they need to survive. They adapt to their environments to more likely survive. There are two main ways of adaptation: physical adaptation and behavioral adaptation. Physical adaptation means to grow special body parts that help a plant or animal to survive its environment. And behavioral adaptation means that plants and animals take actions to survive, such as building stuff, or changing emotions.

Here are some examples of physical adaptations: A porcupine uses its sharp and pointy quills to protect itself; a giraffe has a long neck for eating the leaves on the tall trees; cheetahs grow spots on themselves for not letting its prey to see it and run away; a lion uses its loud and fierce roar when it's lost; and the Venus flytrap uses its hair like projections called trichomes to capture flies.

Similarly, there are some examples of behavior adaptations: animals such as bears, bats, and skunks take hibernation to make their body temperature drop low, so they will be able to live in the winter with less food. Many birds and insects would migrate seasonally to survive. They travel very long distances from one area to another to avoid the bad weather. Some creatures like owls, bats and foxes are active during the night to stay away from predators. However other creatures like human beings are diurnal.

If I have to choose an adaptation, I would choose physical adaptation. Because physical adaptation helps us by changing the functions inside and changing our body shape, color, and bones. It will be really cool if I grow a special and unique body part! I could camouflage, be invisible, move fast, or even fly!

I have read many nonfiction books about animals. I learned that animals use evolution to survive in the wild. And I have learned that animals have their own characteristics and habits. The world does not only have humans, but there are other unknown creatures too. The more we learn about them, the better we can live together. It’s our mutul duty to keep the ecology in balance, and to protect the beautiful earth.

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