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What Motivates People to be Nice?

When we do something nice to other people, not only do other people feel happy and cheerful, but we also feel that way too. When other people smile, we might find that smile "catchy". This also happens when we change someone's negative feelings and mood into something more positive, like bringing joy and enthusiasm. When we see others feeling down, we might feel a tingle of sadness. But when we change that, it could bring a big smile to our faces. Being nice to someone also makes connections and friendships with that person: and who wouldn't like some more friends? Our positive gifts of happiness can also make us feel proud of ourselves as if we made a big change to someone else's feelings. But most of all, we are happy at the end of the day after helping someone, as "kindness comes back around."

Being kind to others or helping others in any way can make strong social connections and strengthen friendships. When one is kind to another, the two would most likely become good friends and have stronger connections with each other. Friends can also be very helpful when one is in a problem or needs to have one’s mood up. Who wouldn’t want some more friends and some more help from others? For example, if one were to get help and is being treated kindly by another, whether they are a stranger, one would definitely be that person’s friend. And if one were to help and lift another’s mood up, another would definitely want to be one’s friend. This not only benefits one when accounting to a stranger but can also bring great benefits if the other were already to be one’s friend. Good and close friends could do a lot more kindness and lend a lot more help to one than a normal friend. These social connections can not only bring more help to one, but can also bring one more friendship and a lot more fun with a lot more friends.

One of the most important reasons that motivate people to be kind is because we know that kindness comes back to us. Not only does kindness go around, but hatred also does, and every other action does too; that is why many people are careful to give a good impression to others: not only to earn kindness back but also to prevent bad consequences from leaking into their lives. Kindness comes back around, meaning that if one does something nice for someone, they will remember it and do something else nice for one - sometimes they might do something even nicer and better for one. This also works for bad impressions towards other people: if one does something bad or mean to another, they will also remember that and give one their deserved consequences. Consequences always come back around; these consequences could be either good or bad, depending on how one treats others. One’s kindness can also lift up people’s spirits in the group, making other people show kindness too. For example, if one does something kind for their group, another member might get inspired and also do something nice for the group, and another follows suit. Kindness always comes back around, as well as hatred, highlighting one reason for being kind.

Lifting another’s spirit not only makes another happy but also makes oneself’s mood better and more joyful too. People tend to feel sad when others are feeling negative, especially when it comes to family members and friends, and making their mood better can also affect the influencer’s emotions. How others feel have a strong relationship with what we feel; in other words, other people’s feeling and emotions could affect how we feel. This is especially effective with family members and close friends. If one feels down, another might feel the same way, especially when there is a strong connection between the two. So if one makes the other feel better, they would also lift up their own mood. Moreover, being kind to others can make one feel strongly proud and happy with oneself. For example, if one helps someone and lightens up their mood, they would feel proud and joyful oneself. The way other people, especially people with a good and strong relationship with one, feel, one might also experience. If one was to find their parents feeling very sad and negative, one would feel bad oneself and attempt to make the mood in the area better for not only the other but also for oneself. And after succeeding, one might be very proud and joyful of oneself too. People are motivated to lighten up another’s mood because of emotional connection and strong relationships.

Many people decide to be kind and friendly and helpful to others, and there are many reasons for one to be motivated to do that. When lending a helping hand to others, a social connection and strong friendship could be made, and who wouldn’t want some close and good friends? Kindness also comes back around. Our actions can cause consequences, depending on if we did anything kind or anything bad. This causes people to want to do kind actions and be cautious of bad actions. Lightening someone’s mood, especially family members or friends, can make oneself happy too. When one sees another unhappy, one might also feel moody; and if one succeeds in lifting off the negative emotions, not only will one feel happier, but one would also feel proud of oneself.

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