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What Motivates People to Be Kind?

Being kind to others not only makes others feel good, but can make us feel good too. Research has proven that making others feel good through an act of kindness can make us feel good too. Though some may disagree on the reason why people are kind, either way, it makes us feel genuinely better and happy. Different people can be motivated to be kind in many different ways. When you are kind to others, kindness always finds a way back to you.

Kindness can be triggered as one knows that being kind to someone brightens their day and makes others happy. Being kind towards others can also make us feel better too. An act of kindness can mean a lot to someone. There are everyday kindness actions out there that change someones’ life even though we may not see it with our own eyes. In the book Refugee during Isabel’s chapter, “Just a moment of kindness from each other may mean the difference between death and survival for her mother and everyone else on the little raft” (Refugee). Sometimes we don’t know how a small act of kindness can impact someone. When we are kind to others, we also feel good and happy. Being kind is contagious, just like a smile. When we see others smile, we often do too. It’s the same with kindness. Being generous and kind towards others activates a part of our brain called the striatum, which triggers a warm glow to fall over us which makes us feel good. Kindness that we give to others not only benefits them, but makes us feel happy too.

Kindness builds communities and can create a kindness identity for us. Being kind can open up possibilities to start or develop a social connection with someone. Kindness can also strengthen relationships which can lead to creating a kindness identity. When we are kind to others, we often think of ourselves as a kind person. This creates a positive identity that makes us feel good about ourselves and our purpose in life. When we are kind, we can feel more connected with others and have a better purpose in life. Being kind to others can also be observed by society. When society observes you being kind, you can be labeled as a kind person which also can create a kindness identity for you. Charity events and organizations are the perfect thing to join in if one wants to experience being part/building a kind community and/or creating a kindness identity. Charity events and organizations create opportunities for us to interact with others and can make us feel like a kind person, which is the start of a kindness identity.

Kindness creates perspective and can allow us to view situations with more emotion and from different angles. Kindness and empathy go hand-in-hand, and acting with empathy requires us to imagine—or even experience—the thoughts, feelings, and attitudes of another. So, being empathetic toward someone who is struggling can result in a renewed appreciation for our own circumstances. When others feel negative, we can often reflect that feeling too, which is why doing a kind act is our natural instinct as we don’t want to feel negative. This is the act of righting a wrong. We should always be kind to others because unless we’ve walked two moons in their shoes, then we never know what someone may be going through currently.

Kindness is something all of us should strive to achieve. We are motivated to be kind in many different ways. Being kind towards others reflects a similar positive reaction back to us, which can make us feel good about ourselves. Being kind also creates a community of kindness and can help us find our kindness identity. This helps create perspective in life and can allow us to have more empathy. Kindness can be many different things, and whatever it is, it can bring more happiness into the world.

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