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What can we do for charity? -Story Review of Here’s My Dollar


Basic elements:

  1. character: Angle

  2. setting: Fresno’s Chaffee ZOO, home

  3. plot: The zoo didn’t have enough money to take care of its animals

  4. genre: Nonfiction Articles

This story Here’s My Dollar is about a nine years old little girl called Angel who knows that Fresno’s Chaffee Zoo has a money problem. The zoo doesn’t have enough money to make sure that all of the animals can live comfortably. Angel loves animals and she wants to help the zoo and the animals inside to live better so she writes a letter to The Fresno Bee she writes that she hopes everyone who sees this letter can give the zoo one dollar and Andel thinks that if everyone gives one dollar to the zoo the zoo animals will survive. The Fresno Bee prints the letter and at school, Angel goes to every classroom to read the letter. She does a lot to help the zoo and at last the zoo is safe. 

When a person really wants to do something they will have a lot of ways to make sure the things they want to do can be done. In this story, Angel loves animals and she hopes that every animal in the zoo can have a happy life and live comfortably. So, when she knows that the zoo doesn’t have enough money to ensure the safety and comfort of the animals inside, she thinks about a lot of ways to help the zoo to get more money. To help the zoo, Angel thinks about a lot of ways. She really finds a lot of ways to help the zoo and the animals and she really has done all the things. And at last she saves the zoo and the animals by doing all the things that she has thought of. 

Sometimes people will have plans but having plans and doing plans are different. Angel has a lot of plans to help the zoo animals. And she really has done all of these plans. She has written a letter to The Fresno Bee, in her letter she writes that she hopes that everyone can give the zoo one dollar and she thinks that if they have done it, the zoo can stay there. The Fresno Bee really has printed the letter out. After Angel finds that the letter is printed out she goes to her school and goes to every classroom to read the newspaper about her letter. Then her school’s principal even drives her to different schools to let the other schools’ students know the letter too. To help the zoo Angel even goes to a television studio to say this. 

When a person really helps others, others will be really thankful. After Angel has helped the zoo and all of the animals inside to live safely the owner of the zoo is very very happy and he thanks Angel for helping the zoo animals. Because of Angel’s help more and more people are giving money to the zoo and the zoo looks better and better everyday. All the animals that live inside live comfortably and the zoo owner tells Angel that she is the hero of the zoo, if there is no Angel to help them, the zoo will not be open ever again. But Angel helps the animals and the zoo. She does a lot to help not only because she loves animals but also Angel wants to make sure that all of the animals can be treated well and live comfortably. 

This story Here’s My Dollar talks about a nine years old little girl called Angel who helps the zoo and all of the animals inside live comfortably and happily. The zoo has money problems, they don't have enough money to make sure the zoo can still be open. And if the zoo is closed, then the animals that live inside might be dead. Angel thinks of a lot of ways to help the zoo to get more money. She writes a letter, reads the letter to every student, goes to the television studio, and she even tells other people to give the zoo some money on the TV. After all of the things Angel has done for the zoo and all of the animals, the zoo finally won’t be closed and the animals can live comfortably and safely.


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