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What can we do for charity? -Story Review of Here’s My Dollar


Chaffee Zoo is a zoo in Fresno that was running out of money to support and raise its animals. On Thanksgiving Day, nine-year-old Angel Arellano heard the news and set forward to raise donations for the zoo. She wrote a letter to a newspaper company called the Fresno Bee and told them about raising awareness to help Chaffee Zoo. Angel even created a slogan. Very quickly, people started donating money and checks. At school, Angel introduced students and parents to the zoo donation. She had a private tour in the zoo and fed the zoo animals. Later, Angel introduced other schools, made public interviews, and made many posters and caps. She even flew to Los Angeles to talk on the television. Eventually, volunteers came up to help too. After some months, the Chaffee Zoo prospered and returned to its normal state.

Keep it up in your heart and do not give up; sometimes things are not as hard as you think. Not all things need to be popular; be your own self, and you can do a great deed. A nine-year-old girl could start such a great charity deed in this story, which shows that almost any person can do a great job. Angel Arellano had the courage to do such a great charity deed in her life. Having the courage to do something can help you complete great deeds in your life. 

It is difficult for me to start such a big charity job; there is a chance that you might fail. Most people do not want to freely give away money before they are fully convinced that their donation actually reaches the real use. Angel used several ways to win people's hearts by writing letters, showing up on interviews, and making public speeches. With her great effort, Angel was very successful in her charity deed, but not all people were as lucky as her. This charity deed act depends on effort and patience; many people do not have these traits.

We can improve charity with modern media technology; social media can really improve the scope and range that a charity can reach out. Modern social media can create great attention from people with similar interests. Angel used social media to ask news broadcasting companies like CNN to post the breaking news about Chaffee Zoo up there, so more people would be able to know about it. Angel used television interviews and other media technologies to make the charity be known quicker. Social media is a great way to improve connections and charity; it can expand the range of knowledge upon something. 

To sum up, Angel went on a mission to save Fresno Chaffee Zoo starting on Thanksgiving Day. After Angel wrote a letter to the Fresno Bee, many people donated large amounts of money and volunteered to help. Starting charity is not hard. A regular kid can start it, like Angel Arellano. I think it is difficult for me to start a charity because I prefer simple ways to boost sustainability. Modern media technology can help improve the charity. We can use news broadcasting companies, advertisements, and friends to expand the knowledge of the zoo donation. Out of all, Angel was really focused on aiding the zoo.


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