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About Weak People

There are many people in the world that have disabilities and are handicapped. They might not be as strong or as tough, but even people who are not as capable in some things can be better at some than others. Even though many people realize that some weak people are able to do some amazing things, they still criticize and underestimate them. Even when many of them are disabled, they can still achieve their goals and do what they wish, so it doesn’t mean that one is powerless and useless if they are disabled. From the hardships that arise, most is controlled by not panicking and having good mental control, while it requires physical strength only in other times. Although many people think that disabled and handicapped people are useless, I disagree with them.

It is essential for one to remain strong and not think too much about it when facing obstacles, even when they are disabled. There will always be a way to get over them and it is never more important to keep a cool mind and continue doing what one wishes. According to Marty Kaminsky, Melissa Stockwell is a role model for standing strong during challenges. When she was injured in service in the US Army, Melissa had to get a leg amputated, which had to cease her service for the Army. Even so, she continued her career in sports and didn't let anything let her down, especially after she started competing in the Paralympics. She didn’t think her amputation was a big deal, and thought that she should not complain about it. When one faces a big change in his/her life, panicking and worrying too much about it just makes matters worse. Remaining calm and keeping strong, however, is beneficial in terms of helping when one is disabled, since there is usually nothing else they can do physically to get out of the situation. Remaining strong and not complaining is the only way to prevent difficulties from worsening for most people, even handicapped people.

Not thinking too much about what others think about you is beneficial to help one thrive, no matter their physical conditions. It is always helpful to not give in to the negative attitudes others give to you, no matter how violent they are. It is important to just be oneself and do what one desires to do, not always what others tell them to do, since they can be creating negative impacts. It is even more important for disabled people since they don’t necessarily have the strength or ability, but they can have the skill or mental benefit. Being distracted can also lead to different mental disorders, and not being able for one to be themselves when they are always under the influence of others. Believing too much of what another person thinks of one creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. It basically gives you an idea of what you will do, like, and it’s all influenced by a single thought. Ignoring the negative influence of what others might have is essential in order to achieve success.

Being kind and not underestimating disabled people helps create a better and more inclusive society. Supporting and not always underestimating or spreading negative thoughts about them helps create a better community. Even though one might not be disabled, it is still important that they can benefit by benefiting the disabled people. Being inclusive also helps one learn about etiquette and respect, where they are the ones helping the disabled. By encouraging or being compassionate for them can help them to do some important or great achievements. By giving them a chance to do well in society helps them impact the economy and society in a positive way, rather than just mocking and ignoring them. Giving them a chance to create an impact on the community also gives one the opportunity to reflect on what they have and how grateful they should be. This also increases the risk of having good health and well-being, even on someone who is not disabled and helping someone that is. One doesn’t have to be disabled to help and create an inclusive society.

Remaining strong and not complaining when facing obstacles and ignoring what others think of one are all important factors that shape what one does or gets. Remaining strong and not complaining, just like how Melissa Stockwell did keeps one able to continue on and eventually achieve success. Complaining only makes things worse, and all it does is to make matters worse when in a desperate situation. Ignoring what others think about one is very useful when one is disabled or not able to do some things as well. Change is necessary and it can change a lot of things for most people, especially disabled people since they probably have already experienced something like it before. Melissa Stockwell faces change in a nonchalant way, not thinking about it as a very big deal. It is especially beneficial for her, and while the effects can have a very big difference, her attitude towards it doesn’t make it as bad.

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