w technologies are developed to make life better. Current progress in waste management has been about 3Rs (reduce, reuse and recycle). And here are ideas of what I think future waste looks like.
In the future, I think robots could help people pick up and sort waste. They can sort the waste of what’s trash and what’s reusable. But if there were robots, then garbage workers would lose their whole job. There are some advantages of having robots. For example, smart sorting means regular trash vs. recycled trash. Humans could make mistakes. So when a robot helps, people won't use a lot on their mind. But there's a problem. Then people may become lazy. To solve this problem, we should do something else. For example, people should learn how to design the robot better or learn something.
In the future, there will be a technology that could reuse all trash into something. Putting trash on mother nature can harm many animals. For example, birds can accidentally eat waste. So we should decrease the waste and increase recycling. However, the current recycling is a little off because sometimes people throw things that can be recycled but throw it in the trash can. And if there is a small machine that can recycle all the waste and fits into our house, I think everyone should have one at home. So hopefully we can get that machine in the future.
In the future, I think there is a way to control the smell of the waste. If the trash didn’t smell bad, that would be a lot better. Hopefully we can get a machine that makes it a good smell. That would be good for our air and the animals' air.
Let's hope that some inventors can invent these things!