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The Starry Night - my Favorite Art

The starry night is one of the most famous paintings of Vincent Van Gogh. You can find it everywhere like the coffee store, t-shirt store, airport and in art websites. This painting is so well known and Don McLean made a beautiful song <Vincent ( Starry, Starry Night) With Lyrics> start with it.

Vincent Van Gogh is a very famous painter from Holland. He was born on March 30, 1853 and died on 29 July, 1890. He made good paintings but nobody bought his paintings because at that time nobody realised he was such a great artist. He felt very lonely and sad and he had physiological problems. He died by suicide because he had a very painful life. Even though he had a miserable life, he devoted himself to art. He made 2,000 paintings.

Vincent Van Gogh made the starry night in 1889. This painting described his country side life where he lived for a long time. Other painters usually don't make nights but objects and places like farms. But Vincent Van Gogh used his special way to describe the night. This painting shows a highly deformed scene. In the upper part, there’s the moon and a few stars. The moon is a crescent but it is around with bright shining yellow light, looks like the sun. all the stars are shining with halos. In the middle, there are vortex flowing lights. The moon, the stars and the sky were spinning. The sky looks like everything was moving into a portal. In the bottom, there is a peaceful village sited under the mountain. The mountains looked very calme. In the left side of this painting, there is a cypress tree. The tree was twisted and looked like a flame. Vincent used a lot of strong colors to make his painting special.

I like this painting for many reasons. First, this painting makes me feel it’s flowing. With all the little lines pointing in all directions, it looks like water or wind. Second, some lines make me think of objects like in the sky, the two kinds of waves make me think of the Milky Way. When I look at the painting, it makes me feel a mysterious world.Third, he uses two primary colors and those three colors are some of my favourite colors. The blue invaded all the painting. There are a few colors and most of the spaces are only blue. He used high complementary blue and the low complementary blue he mixed them together.

The rest all got white coming with it. This way, the painting won’t be dull. Fourth, in this painting, the twisted tree, the spiral sky make me feel his strong personality and his passion for art. Fifth, I had read an article that NASA announced an image of current movement in the ocean. The current movement looks like the sky of starry night. The lines of the current movement appear vortex and waves. People say this image looks like this painting. I feel it’s interesting.

By reading the story behind this painting, I don’t want to be an artist as I don’t want to be hated and be popular only after I die. But I admire the artist who has a strong passion for art.

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