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The Pains of Growing Up


My mom says some of the pains of growing up are:

Too much housework: My mother says she has too much housework to do everyday. For example she has to do the laundry, cook, mop the floor, vacuum the floor, wash the dishes, and teach me and my sister. Me, my sister, and my dad are all working on something else so we can not help her very much. These things keep her extremely busy so she gets very tired after doing housework. Me and my sister sometimes help her do the work.

Too much shopping: When my mom shops she has to buy many things for the family. Sometimes we shop together but now my mom shops alone. She has to shop for a long time so that me and my family have all the food and supplies we need.

“Fight” with children: My mother doesn't like when we get lazy or get in a bad mood. She likes when we are in a good mood. When we are in a bad mood we do things like sleep late, wake up late, get hangry, and sometimes we throw a fit. When we sleep late we wake up late and then we miss the bus. We are supposed to go to bed at nine o'clock P.M but sometimes we want fruit so we don’t go to sleep at nine. Sometimes me and my sister Emily argue or fight over some new toys. Then my mom has to “step in” and stop the fight and make both of us feel fair. Many times it ends up with someone unhappy. That is a difficult job for my mom because it requires a lot of patience.

My dad says some of the pains of growing up are:

Little time for personal entertainment: My dad is too busy to have any time to do his own entertainment. He gets entertainment with the family but he rarely gets his personal entertainment time. He has to work, cook, bike with me and my younger sister Emily, and help us with everything else which takes up most of his after work time.

Little private space: My dad wants to have some private space. Private space gives him quiet time, room, and a break. He barely ever gets it though. Me and Emily always are asking him questions, making noise around him, having fun with him, and asking for lots of help. Basically he is surrounded by questions and noise. Sometimes it’s fun but sometimes it's painful for him.

Clean up after children: My dad has to clean up after us when we make messes, but we don’t have enough time to clean it up because we have too many things to work on. For example when there is a mess on the floor that has to be vacuumed, I don’t have time to do it because I am playing piano.

Help children with technology: My dad is a computer scientist and he enjoys helping children with technology. It helps him learn and it also teaches children how to do it if it ever happens again. But what my dad is talking about is a lot to do. For example when minecraft education edition was not working for me and my friends to play online, my dad was able to help fix it. It took him hours. Yesterday my computer completely died for no reason and I lost all my apps, my storage, and my profiles. My dad had to restore everything on it.

When I grow up I will have pains but I know that growing up can also be fun. I will try to handle these pains by being patient, calm, and more importantly, thinking about the bright side of everything. Growing up can be fun because I can have a fun job. I want to become an artist because I have loved art.

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