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The Most Exciting Plot of The Thirty-Nine Steps

THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS talks about a bored man in London, called Richard Hannay, who welcomed his new friend, Scudder, in his flat to let him hide from his enemies. When Scudder was murdered, Hannay was the new suspect, so, disguising himself as the milkman, he travelled to the moor. After the Innkeeper protected him from the police, Hannay found another man, Harry, who believed that Hannay wasn’t the murderer. After disguising himself yet again as the Roadman, the police caught him, and unaware, Hannay ran inside Scudder’s enemy’s house. He soon met Sir Walter after exploding himself out of the house and they found where the Black Stone lived, just the house with 39 steps below. After trapping all three members, England went to war.

The climax is the most exciting and the most important part in this story, where everyone goes into their positions and solves the mystery. At the climax, Richard Hannay and Sir Walter’s group asked an Inspector of Coastguards where, the next day, there was a beach with high tide at 10:17. The beach ‘Ruff’, it occured, had high tide at 10:27 on the 15th of July and that next day, the tide would be ten minutes before. Each house on the border of the water had a different number of steps leading to the beach; and there was only one with thirty-nine steps down to Ruff. Hannay and Sir Walter’s group inspected the house and the old man who kept it, but there was nothing unusual about it. Hannay was welcomed into the little house, but the old man and the other two men were definitely the wrong ones. But when Hannay followed them to the smoking room, the old man hooded his eyes like a hawk and that was when Hannay had realized that he was the same person who locked him in the storage room. After all three had handcuffs clinked over their wrists, Hannay went into the New Army and England went to war. Hannay was brave and careful, especially during the climax, where he meets his and Scudder’s enemies.

In the climax, the change in Richard Hannay grows stronger; from just a normal London man, to a helpless escaper wanted by the police for a crime he didn’t commit, to a hero who saved his own life as well as future ones. The biggest changes can occur when we aren’t even noticing it; and occur so suddenly we don’t have to prepare for it. In the story, Hannay started being a bored and tired man in London, just like every other guy. But after letting Scudder live in his house and the Black Stone murder Scudder, Hannay was wanted by the police for a murder he didn’t commit; until he captured the Black Stone members and became a ‘hero’ for himself and future targets’ lives. Changes usually happen slowly, like how we are growing in height week by week, but the change is so small we don’t notice it at all. Other times, the change in ourselves is so big, but we don’t realize it because we are focused on something else. Change always manages to escape from our sight at the exact moment, but if we are too focused on another thing, we might change completely and might never be able to turn back. Just a single change in our personality or appearance can set everyone around us, either good or bad.

Human nature is the cycle of how the personalities of different people vary; most times, one can’t help being a little greedy and not sharing. Life is about how we honor ourselves, but if we are too selfish sometimes, the consequences would be flooding all over the place. In the story, the Black Stone members were dangerous criminals and assassinators who were great actors in their disguises. However, Hannay didn’t get tricked by their acting and soon, all three in handcuffs were left with the police to deal with them. As a child or a teenager, we might only care about homework and friends and toys, but as we get older, the naughtiness in some people might grow stronger and stronger. Those types of people grow up to be risk-takers, but that isn’t a very good thing, since stealing and robbing might end us up in one of the punishments made by the police. Human nature is just like flowers, some people grow to reveal their great skills and continue to grow, while others might wither and fall down to the cold, barren ground. Greediness is like an evil spirit that has to be destroyed, but we have to have the courage to do that. Human nature is just a crossroad between child-hood and adult-hood, and both paths have obstacles, but only one leads to good fortune.

THE THIRTY-NINE STEPS talks about a man named Richard Hannay who crossed great dangers to finally overcome his German enemies, the Black Stone. When Hannay and Sir Walter found out about the Black Stone’s ‘secret meeting area’, the work for them was all done and the rest were left to the police. Everyone can change and has their own choice to make a change but if we go too far, we might lose the people who liked our old self. Changing from bad to good can be a lot harder, as some people can’t help being greedy and selfish, without knowing the consequences hidden amidst the mist.

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