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The Most Exciting Plot of The Thirty-Nine Steps

Thirty Nine Steps is a novel that describes how an innocent man escapes from pursuers who accuse him of murder. The man’s name is Richard Hannay, and he was accused of murdering a French spy called Franklin Scudder. In reality, somebody else killed Scudder, but Richard is being pursued for something he didn’t do. He disguises himself as a milkman and travels from his hometown, London, to Galloway to escape from the people trying to catch him. During his time in Galloway, Richard stays at an inn, steals two men’s car, and meets many people, such as Harry Bullivant, a politician, a roadworker, and an archeologist who traps him unsuccessfully, since Richard escaped. Harry’s uncle Sir Walter Bullivant lets Richard in his house, and Richard finds an imposter of the First Sea Lord, who turned out to be his pursuers, just in disguise. The most exciting part is when Richard almost falls off a cliff and gets out of the car.

This was the most exciting part because there is a lot of commotion involved in that specific part of the story. There were also a lot of people who were trying to catch Richard during that time. Parts with commotion are always the most exciting because it creates suspense for the reader. The book states that Richard was being pursued by an aeroplane while that time happened. He also got out of the car at the last second and got caught by a hawthorn in the chest. His car fell off the 50 foot cliff, meaning that he doesn’t have a car anymore. This part of the story involves a lot of commotion, which makes it the most exciting part of the story. It is also part of the events in the climax of the story. The climax is the parts of the story with the most suspense happening. This is the most exciting part for me because it shows how badly people are blindly assuming things on an innocent man who did nothing. Commotion makes this part the most exciting part for me.

Another reason why this is the most exciting part for me is because it leads Richard to gain more motivation to run away and aso leads him to meeting Harry Bullivant. Stories have parts that lead to other events that are also a main part of the story. Exciting parts also lead to other exciting parts in the story. The event in the story leads to Richard meeting Harry Bullivant, who is part of the government. Harry and Richard trust each other, and become good friends. Harry even thanks Richard for his trustworthiness and is impressed by his speech. They help each other. This story has many exciting events that are linked to each other. This makes the whole story a lot better than with only one exciting part. The part where Richard almost gets into a crash is the most exciting part for me, and it also leads to more of the events that are good. Having multiple things that happened as a result of the near-car crash makes it better than having only one thing. Because it leads and connects to the rest of the story that is also exciting, I like that part the most.

The car scene is the most suspenseful for me because it also has many good themes in it, such as perseverance, courage, and rationality, which make me excited to see Richard gain the values. There are many ways to learn how to have good values. Some ways are to experience what it is not having the values, or to follow other’s examples of having values. Richard uses his car incident as a way to make new friends and gain rationality. He decides to rationally desert his car and not die, instead of dying while the car falls off the cliff. He did have good values before, but he used the car incident to become even better. This makes me excited to see him become a better person than before. It makes him more experienced, and also more rational, and determined than before to prove that he isn’t the killer. People can use a bad thing as an example to do better. It is exciting for me to see the character development in the story.

The Thirty Nine Steps is a book by John Buchan that describes the life of an innocent

man wrongly accused of murder. My favorite and most exciting part is when Richard gets into commotion during a car incident. Richard doesn’t get discouraged by this, but instead he get encouraged to do better and convince people that he isn’t the murderer. Although it is very disappointing that he is still thought the murderer, Richard overcomes the challenges because of the values he ained during th ecar incident. This book is a good book to read to show people to not give up and always have proof.

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