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The Most Exciting Plot in The Thirty-Nine Steps

In The Thirty-Nine Steps, there are many plots. One of them is when Richard Hannay describes the elderly man as a person who ‘could hood his eyes like a hawk’. Hannay’s adventures contain plots everywhere. For example, he wanted to blow the house of Black Stone into smithereens. At the end, he was searching for a place with thirty-nine steps. He came upon some stairs leading down to a private beach, in which Black Stone was staying. My favorite plot, however, was in the beginning. One day, when Hannay returned home, he found Scudder lying on the floor, with a knife through the heart.

Scudder’s death was the cause of the whole adventure. Without it, there wouldn’t be any reason for Hannay to be on the run. He also made some friends along the way (Sir Henry and Sir Walter), as well as some potential enemies (Black Stone). If Scudder hadn’t died, Hannay wouldn’t have found his pocket book, which led him to the stairs with thirty-nine steps leading down to the private beach. He also wouldn’t have found Black Stone.

It was also unique because it isn’t everyday that someone saw a dead man lying on their floor. The story would be boring if the ideas weren’t special. Each story has its own distinctive design and it wouldn’t be a good story if The Thirty-Nine steps was like Harry Potter or Percy Jackson. The author, John Buchan, made the plot unlike anything else because he wanted it to be unlike any other book.

The plot makes the reader want to read further. If the plot was something boring, like Scudder accidentally letting some chickens into the house or something, the reader would want to stop reading. There would be no reason to continue, since it had a boring plot. In The Thirty-Nine Steps, the plot is interesting. It motivates the reader to find out what happened in the end and keep reading.

In conclusion, that is why I like the part when Hannay found Scudder with a knife through the heart. Scudder’s death caused Hannay’s adventure. It is also unique and the plot makes the reader want to read the whole book. Without Scudder’s death, Hannay would never have any reason to be on the run and have his quest. The plot isn’t boring, and it makes the reader want to find out what happens in the end. It isn’t like when Harry Potter found Tom Riddle’s diary and went into the chamber of secrets, and that’s good.

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