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The Most attractive adventure of Gulliver's Travels

Gulliver's Travels, written by Jonathan Swift, talks about a man named Gulliver, who was lost in the sea. He was floated up to a place called Lilliput. Lilliputians are very small. They are only 15 cm tall. One day, there was a fire in the kingdom. But Gulliver just peed into the kingdom and saved the country. He then went to Brobdingnag, Laputa, Balnibarbi, Luggnagg, Glubbdubdrib, Japan, and the Land of the Houyhnhnms during his adventure back home. Brobdingnag was a country where people were tremendous. Houyhnhnm is a country where horses talk like people and a kind of people called Yahoos. Yahoos help horses always lift the hay; they work like horses. When he went back home, he avoided his family and wife. At last, he lived by himself and talked to his horses. Gulliver’s travel in Lilliput was the most attractive of these adventures.

Gulliver had to adjust to live like the Lilliputians.’ Gulliver can no longer use the forks and spoons in Lilliput. In the book, Gulliver had to eat many servings of the Lilliputian’s food. It was because he was a regular human, while Lilliputians were much smaller than him. He also had to sleep on about 70-80 big Lilliputian’s beds. It was hard work for Gulliver to live in this kind of surroundings. He was not comfortable during the life in Lilliput. It was funny when he had to live and eat tiny things. The country had to make a particular room and place for him to live in. He also had to be careful when he was outdoors. He is big enough to step on a Lilliputian, which makes him die suddenly. A person has to accept and adjust to the new surroundings.

Gulliver helped the Lilliputians differently. Gulliver’s size made him help Lilliput in his way. In the book, Gulliver helps Lilliput during their essential war. Gulliver had no harm during their war. The arrows from the other country were of no use to him. They were too small for him. The arrows that they used were only about 7cm long. They made no harm to Gulliver during the attack from them. The fire from them were also no use to Gulliver. Gulliver was able to blow offf the fire easili. During the help from Gulliver, Gulliver just lifted the enemy’s boat up and drown it down to the sea. This shows that Gulliver’s size made him helped the Lilliputians during their important war.  His size made him also no harm during the war. Gulliver’s big size to the Lilliputians made him a good thing.

Gulliver’s size and look made the Lilliputians very curious about him. Lilliputians have never seen such a big people like Gulliver. During the story, Gulliver was “caputured” by the Lilliputians. Gulliver was hundreds or even thousands times as big as the Lilliputians. He was on the sand all captured with ropes all over his body. When he woke up, there were Lilliputians all around him. He didn’t knew thaat where is he. He wasn’t even sure that what happened before he got on the shore and all captured by those small people (or Lilliputians, Gulliver didn’t knew what were those small people are. yet). Gulliver was different from the Lilliputians, so they were curious about Gulliver when he just arrived. Gulliver’s actions and look were very new to the Lilliputians.

Gulliver’s Travels shows us that people show be full of adventureness. When a person has adventureness, a person may have a chance to meet the different sides of a world. In the book, Gulliver loved to adventure made him to different countries before he went back home. His adventure made his way back home full of fun and happiness. This adventure to Gulliver also influenced him when we went back home. His actions when he went back home were very strange. He left his family and wife and went to live on his own. This book shows us that we should be full of braveness and the love for adventures. This book tells the readers a lot of morals to let us follow on during our life.

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