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The Last Supper - my Favorite Art

There are a lot of amazing drawings in the world, but this one is a special drawing. This drawing tells us a story in the Bible. This painting is called The Last Supper. The artist who drew this fantastic painting is called Leonardo da Vinci. Leonardo da Vinci is an Italian painter. He is a very intelligent and creative painter who painted many famous masterpieces. The Last Supper was painted from 1495 to 1498. It took him three year just to finish one single painting! It is very old, and the painting is still remembered. The painting tells a story about when Jesus and his 12 apostles were having supper, he said that someone had betrayed him. After hearing the words of Jesus, everyone was worried, and they were afraid that they were the betrayer. Then, Jesus said, “Take this bread for this is my body, and take this wine for this is my blood.” He was not scared at all, because he is a very brave person. When Jesus was reaching toward the bowl, Judas was reaching toward the bowl too. Judas is the one who betrayed Jesus, and Jesus knew that Judas betrayed him. The Romans paid Judas to betray Jesus, and Judas did not regret betraying Jesus. The painting is called the last supper, because it is the last supper for Jesus himself. After the dinner, Jesus was arrested and took all the sufferings. The Last Supper is a very good name for this painting.

I like this painting, because it has a lot of details in the drawing that tells the story. For example, when Jesus was taking the bread and wine, everyone had different facial expressions. Jesus was very calm, but the other people looked angry, worried, and guilty. You could clearly see that Judas is the one who betrayed Jesus, because his left hand is stretched forward to the bowl, while his left hand was holding the bag with money.

Another reason I like this painting is because this is a creative artwork. Leonardo da Vinci did not copy other artists. In other previous drawings, Judas is on the other side of the table, and the apostles had haloes. Leonardo da Vinci put Judas on the same side as the other apostles, and he didn’t draw haloes. That means they are normal people. The other artists have colorful backgrounds, but Leonardo da Vinci only focuses on the people and the table.

The last reason why I like this painting is because it has a lot of hidden meanings. Peter was angry when he heard Jesus’s words, and he held a sword pointing to Judas which means that Peter was suspicious of Judas being the betrayer. Another example is when Judas was holding his pouch of gold, meaning that he got paid from the Romans for betraying Jesus. All these meanings are implied to the story by details.

Imagine the world without The Last Supper, we will never know how Leonardo da Vinci thought about the last supper and the events. This creative painting has lots of details and hidden meanings. Leonardo da Vinci carefully worked on this painting for three years, trying to make it as if it were real. This is why The Last Supper is so special and precious to me and others.

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