Perseverance is when one tries hard to reach their goals even when things are difficult so they can succeed. People with perseverance usually show steadfastness in doing something despite how slow the progress might take. Perseverance sometimes also means passion to do something, and having the determination to keep going during difficult times. Perseverance is also sometimes called “grit” which means that the person has a positive character and passion. There are many reasons why having perseverance is important, and everyone has the chance to have perseverance as long as they view it correctly.
Perseverance gives one the ability to reach their goals. Many times when someone tries to achieve or do something, it is usually hard to do so. There could be many obstacles and hardships they have to experience on the way. So, many times, they might just give up and not try again, since it might just be too hard for them. But, with perseverance, when one reaches a hard point, they will have the ability to try again and keep going so they can reach their goal. There are always hardships, but it all depends on how the person looks at it, whether it is too hard or it is an opportunity to achieve their goal. Also, science says that almost 70% of people who set goals for themselves never reach them. Said by Bo Jackson, “Set your goals high, and don’t stop till you get there.” shows how overcoming obstacles and learning from failures gets someone to reach their goals. It might be a small one or a more major one, but everyone can get the sense of pride and satisfaction after reaching their goals through perseverance.
Having perseverance improves one’s mental health. They might have more encouragement after reaching a goal and persevering to do so. Having perseverance helps to reduce stress and anxiety. One will be able to feel more energetic, and have the feeling of great accomplishment, which also encourages them. According to Ta-Nehisi Coates, “This field of study has been, all at once, the hardest and most rewarding of my life.” He emphasizes this phrase to tell readers how everything new is hard when you first start it, but it will always feel rewarding when the goal is reached. For example, if someone is trying to climb up a very steep mountain, there will definitely be steep cliffs and difficulties on the way. So, with perseverance, when the climber reaches the top, he/she will feel very accomplished, and they might feel happier every day. They might realize the meaning of life, and have a deeper understanding to live the life they want. They will also feel less nervous and have reduced anxiety/stress. Perseverance not only helps one achieve goals, but also helps them improve their mental health.
Perseverance gives one the ability to learn and find innovative solutions to problems. When there is an obstacle, there is always a way to get through it. The person can not only try to give up or avoid the obstacle or hardship, but can rather just try to find a solution around it. In terms of learning for kids, most start with almost full potential and ability to persevere. But, as the kids grow older, the rate for persevering in school on difficult subjects dropped to approximately 50%. Many didn’t want to face having to persevere and keep trying, and never found a way to get better at it. For example, if someone is trying to learn a new language, and they are already an intermediate leveled speaker, it is very possible for them to achieve fluency. But, when an obstacle comes, like pronouncing a harder word, they could choose to give up, or try to find a way to solve the problem, like changing another way of learning it, or to finding an alternative way to say it. Obviously, finding another way helps them continue and reach their goal, while simply giving up and getting frustrated clearly doesn’t. Perseverance helps one have the ability to find solutions to problems rather than giving up.
Perseverance is the ability to continue doing something during hardships despite the difficulties. Perseverance can help one reach their goals, since if someone is able to work over the difficulties, they will be able to keep going and eventually reach their goal. Perseverance improves one’s mental health. After persevering and working through the obstacles, the person will feel a sense of delight and satisfaction after they achieve what they tried to do. They will also get a sense of encouragement and be happier. Having perseverance also gives one the ability to find ways to work through the obstacle. When someone faces an obstacle, they could choose to find an innovative way to work past it or give up. Perseverance is a very important skill for all of us to have, and we should very much value it.