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The Horror Movie that Came True

Jack was a boy who lived in a big house. He had two personal computers, one that he could use during leisure time, and the other for his study. One day, Jack came across an interesting-looking movie. It cost around $20, but Jack said: “Well that is nothing. I have 200 dollars.” He bought it and decided to watch it on Saturday night. When Jack opened the movie, he found out that it was a horror movie, which he did not like. But, if he did not watch it, then he would have just spent those 20 dollars for nothing. So, Jack went ahead with the movie.

By the time Jack finished the movie, it was a full hour past his bedtime, so he brushed his teeth and went to bed. After he fell asleep, he had a disturbing nightmare with events similar to those of the movie. He found himself in another world, one that had lava pools, volcanoes, and burning trees. The land was ruled by an evil dragon. Jack found a sign that said: “First person to get to the dragon’s palace and overthrow it will be granted three wishes!” Just then, a magical, box-like creature appeared in front of Jack. Jack asked: “Who are you and what do you want with me?” The box creature replied: “It looks like you have decided that you will go to the dragon palace and overthrow the dragon. I am here to accompany you on your journey.” The two headed toward the giant palace, which was clearly visible even though they were miles away.

Suddenly, a crack in the ground appeared, and lava exploded out of the crack with a thunderous “Boom!”, leaving a small crater. “How can we get to the palace when there are lava traps littered everywhere?” asked Jack. “We can get there by flying,” suggested the box creature. “How can I fly? Only you have wings.” said Jack. Suddenly, Jack found that his arms were replaced by wings. They flew toward the dragon palace. As they neared, a devil face appeared in front of them and roared: “Rahhhhhhhhhhhh! Who are you?! You appear to be enemies of the dragon king!” Before Jack or the magic box could reply, the face disappeared to warn the guards of the palace of the intruders. The magic box and Jack set themselves down on the ground to face the guards. All the devil guards joined together and formed one gigantic monster with 50 hissing heads and ten arms, each carrying a trident.

Jack and his partner battled the monster until it was so tired that it gave up and disintegrated into the original 50 guards, all of which were lying down on the ground and sleeping. Jack and the magic box entered the palace. There was a map of the palace on the wall, and Jack took it down. They took their time going towards the center of the palace, where the throne room was, while also dodging the dragon’s servants and soldiers. At last, they reached the throne room, where the dragon sat sleeping. As soon as Jack and the box entered the room, it woke up and roared: “How dare you disturb my sleep! Don’t you know that I am the king?!” The dragon lurched toward Jack, but stopped, and screamed at the box: “You again?! I thought I imprisoned you in the dungeon!” The magic box retorted: “You did, but I escaped! Now take this!” With that, the dragon turned into its original form: a red snake. The dragon was overthrown.

However, all the commotion did not go unnoticed. The guards and soldiers flooded into the throne room and found their leader lying on the ground. They raised their tridents and charged at Jack and magic box. The magic box was stabbed and fell down to the ground. Now, Jack could not receive any powers from the magic box. He was so terrified that he woke up and found that it was all a dream.

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