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The Great Achievements of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin (January 17, 1706 - April 17, 1790), one of the extraordinary figures in American history, was a diplomat, an educator, an inventor, a leading writer, a scientist, printer, a public servant, and a political philosopher. Although he received two-year formal education, he loved reading and spent much of his spare time reading. This led him to reflect from the books, wonder more, and further invent helpful items that improve life greatly for many people, such as Franklin stove or library chair. Additionally, Benjamin came up with some down-to-earth scientific ideas and health-related thoughts that were advanced in his time and still well known in present, such as the concept of vitamin C or weightlifting. Moreover, Benjamin was one of the Founding Fathers of the United States and he drafted and signed important documents of the United States, such as the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution of the United States. It is worth discussing what Benjamin Franklin has made to benefit people through some of his major accomplishments and achievements in detail. 

Benjamin Franklin was a born inventor who always came up with many amazing interesting ideas that no one in his time could think of. His invention and innovative new technology back then are solutions to common problems of daily life. Benjamin, at age 11, made the first invention of swim paddles and swim fins for his hands and feet to swim faster but they don’t work very well. He then tried the second invention by helding on a kite string and it worked. In order to reach books placed at a very high location of bookshelves, Benjamin invented the library chair with stairs, a big wooden chair and when he pulled out the seat, many stairs would pop up to the higher shelves. He also created the wooden arm for grabbing the books from the top of the high bookshelves if he got dizzy from climbing the stairs. To address the problem of the old-fashioned stoves and fireplaces, Benjamin designed a Franklin stove that could warm up cold rooms much faster and use a lot less wood. Furthermore, Benjamin developed an odometer to tell people how far one had ridden to deliver mail, bifocals for older folks to see things closely or far away without changing glasses, and the first clock with a second hand. Before making an invention, Benjamin always used his time to make great observations and notice what people needed the most to help people fix the problem in practical life. Benjamin would keep revising his inventions to find a better way to make the inventions more effectively and efficiently. During his whole life, Benjamin kept on inventing better ways to do things in order to make it convenient for people’s daily life.  

Benjamin Franklin was a full-of-common-sense scientist who had some helpful scientific ideas, particular in health. Some of his ideas not only were advanced of his time, but also were even important to us now. Flying a kite in a storm was Benjamin’s well-known scientific experiment. He discovered positive and negative electric charges by conducting experiments with electricity using the Leyden Jar, enabling him to demonstrate the connection between lighting and electricity, which was a significant breakthrough back then. Benjamin coined the scientific terms “battery”, “positive charge,” “negative charge”, or “conductor”, which are still in use in present-day electrical science. To keep healthy, Benjamin suggested people do body exercise or weight lifting, and work hard to get sweaty to make sure they do any good to their bodies. Benjamin said a slogan “An apple a day keeps the doctor away” because he believed that drinking lots of water and eating healthy foods are good for people. Also, Benjamin introduced the concept of vitamin C. He argued that oranges, limes, and grapefruit would help people stay healthy for their gums and skins. Sailors followed the idea and ate many limes to prevent getting sick from scurvy at sea. Obviously, Benjamin had an ever-curious mind, always seeking the nature of the university and pursuing the truth of the science. He is a visionary man who always thinks ahead. He gave medical advice for people to keep fit and healthy, which was later proven to be true and beneficial by scientists. Way back then, Benjamin made many scientific ideas and addressed health-related beliefs that were advanced in his time and still remain in use now.

Benjamin Franklin was an extraordinary man who made a great deal of achievements and contributions to society and the United States. He has done many amazing things that more than a normal citizen would do. Benjamin was the Founding Father to sign four key documents developing the United States: The Declaration of Independence (1776), The treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris establishing peace with Great Britain (1783), and the U.S. Constitution (1787). When America fought against Great Britain for becoming a free nation, it was Benjamin to convince France to offer help to win the war. It was also Benjamin who convinced Great Britain to sign the peace after the war was over. Moreover, Benjamin was the first person starting the lending library in America so people could gain knowledge from books without buying books. The post office Benjamin had created was the first to deliver mail straight to people’s houses. To make the mail delivered efficiently, he designed better mail routes as well as hired more letter carriers. Additionally, Benjamin founded the Philadelphia Academy, which later became the University of Pennsylvania. Benjamin also founded the Pennsylvania Hospital for taking care of citizens’ health. During the American Revolution, Benjamin was able to see the big picture of America’s future by securing French support, which was important for the success of America’s independence. Benjamin reformed the American Postal system to improve the communication across the nation. For the citizen’s own good, Benjamin advocated in promoting education. Beyond invention and scientific ideas, Benjamin was an inspiring figure in shaping the United States politically and socially. 

Benjamin Franklin, without questions, was an incredible inventor, visionary scientist, and leading founder of the United States. He was a very talented man who always came up with many amazing ideas that no one thought of. He was capable of doing pretty much everything. Benjamin’s practical inventions help to solve problems appearing in daily life to make people’s life in a more convenient way. Benjamin’s curiosity led to significant scientific contribution, especially in the field of electricity. His health-related beliefs were ahead in his time and later proved to be true by scientists and still be used in the present day. Benjamin’s leading actions had a profound influence in American history and society. It is not a surprise that even after about three hundred years Benjamin and his achievements  still had been remembered for generations. From his achievements, we should learn from him always being reflective in thinking, having curious minds, and paying attention to details of life.

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