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The Achievements of Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin was one of the most famous men in American history. He was well known for his helpful inventions that improved life greatly for many Americans. Benjamin Franklin also had many occupations, including being a musician, soldier, politician, and even helped write the two most important documents in U.S. history, the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. Not only was Benjamin Franklin an inventor with many other jobs, he also harbored scientific and health-related ideas that were advanced for his time period. Benjamin even opened several institutions that were unique in America, including the first free academy in the country. As a highly successful diplomat, it can be agreed upon that Ben Franklin’s achievements are some of the most amazing in American history.

One thing Franklin loved doing was inventing new machines and strategies to do things. In fact, Ben was recognized as one of the greatest American inventors. Ben wanted to increase his swimming speed, so he invented wooden fins and flippers. However, these were heavy and tired his wrists so he instead used a kite to pull himself along the water. Ben read so many books that he needed massive bookshelves to store them. He invented a chair that would form a staircase if he retracted the seat, and he even came up with a wooden arm that grabbed the books for him. Ben also founded America’s first postal service, so he created an odometer to measure the amount of distance traveled, and bifocals so old people would not have to change glasses. Another two of his inventions were a stove that used wood much more efficiently and a device that rotated wet glass bowls to create beautiful music. Benjamin Franklin was one of America’s most famous inventors, and his inventions made life easier for many Americans.

Benjamin Franklin had some unique scientific ideas that were advanced for his time. His medical advice was helpful for sick people, because when they followed his instructions, their health generally improved. In the past, people got sick due to unawareness of the causes of illness. However, Ben Franklin said that exercising can keep people healthy and that eating one apple per day helps maintain a person’s health. In a time in which nobody knew about Vitamin C and sailors often got scurvy, causing their teeth to fall out, Ben taught that eating limes and other citruses(fruits that provide large amounts of Vitamin C) can lead to healthy gums, which hold our teeth in place. Ben also said that fresh air and plenty of water contribute to our health, though barely anyone else at the time knew that. Many of his health-related beliefs were later proven to be correct by scientists. Benjamin Franklin’s medical advice saved many lives.

Benjamin Franklin had accomplished many achievements. Ben held numerous occupations, so it came as no surprise that he made great contributions to the United States. He helped found a hospital, a zero fee academy, and a fire department. Ben also helped explore previously unknown waters. On his way to France, he recorded the temperature of the Gulf Stream. It was fiery hot compared to the rest of the Atlantic Ocean, and it was a major ocean current that helped distribute heat. The hotter the water, the faster the current. Ben believed that if he could find a short hot water route leading from America to Europe, the travel time between these two regions could be shortened significantly. Ben was also one of the first people to try to forecast the weather. These weather-based predictions helped prepare people for natural disasters. Around this time, he successfully “stole” lightning from the sky and prevented it from burning up people’s houses using the lightning rod. Benjamin Franklin helped make major advancements in exploration and weather forecasting. His achievements are undoubtedly, the most magnificent ones during his time period.

Benjamin Franklin was an extraordinary man. He proved that he was destined to become an inventor when he was still a young teen. Many of Ben’s inventions benefited most Americans, but he also held many other occupations. Without this experienced diplomat, the American Revolution probably would have lasted longer and claimed many more lives, since he helped negotiate the French into joining the war against Britain. Ben founded many institutions that were the first or one of the first of their kind in America, including a fire department, a free academy, and etc. As a politician and one of the founding fathers, he was chosen to help write the Declaration of Independence and then the Constitution. Ben was also an explorer who charted the Gulf Stream’s temperature, the reason the currents there were so fast. He was the first person to forecast weather, and his predictions prepared many people for upcoming natural disasters. Ben’s biggest and most unlikely achievement was to steal the lightning, and many people learned how to protect their homes from this natural power. It can be said without doubt that Benjamin Franklin had a significant impact on the course of American history.

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