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The Achievements of BEN FRANKLIN

Back in the olden days, while America was fighting for freedom and struggling to rise up as a nation, certain people played crucial roles in helping America win the war and survive as a country. These people were so important to America’s uprisings that they were called the founding fathers of America. It contained 7 people: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Jay and James Madison. One of the most outstanding people in these 7 is Benjamin Franklin. He is the only founding father who signed all three documents that freed America from Britain. Ben Franklin also made a variety of scientific discoveries. He had numerous jobs including politician and soldier. Ben was also excellent at giving advice. Furthermore, he created countless priceless inventions. Here are the achievements of Benjamin Franklin separated into three sections: Spoken advice, daily convenience inventions, and historical feats.

Benjamin Franklin gave countless pieces of valuable advice for people to follow. Some phrases still exist today, such as the famous sentence “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. He also taught morals and virtues to people. For example: “Love your enemies, for they tell you your faults”, “Hide not your talents, they for use were made. What’s a Sun-Dial in the shade!”, and “Glass, China, and Reputation, are easily crack’d, and never well mended”. These pieces of advice on the self may not be as famous as inventing the lightning rod or convincing Great Britain to sign peace, but they are priceless nonetheless. Furthermore, Ben Franklin told people information like when to plant crops, when eclipses will happen, and when the tides would be high or low. But famous as his quotes are, Ben once said: “Well done is better than well said”. So now let’s focus on his inventions that helped make life more convenient.

Benjamin Franklin was born to be an inventor, and he certainly didn’t deem that statement wrong. Throughout his life, Ben had used his mastermind and ingenuity to craft daily labor saving conveniences that made his life easier. Take the library chair, a chair that when pulled up pops out steps that help Ben reach books on shelves easier. Ben also made the odometer, a device that tells one how far he or she had traveled to deliver mail. Ben’s invention, the bifocals, helped old people see clearly both near and far without having to change glasses. Ben’s Franklin stove helped heat up rooms faster using less coal, and the glass armonica, an instrument which made sound using plates, was played all over Europe and by famous musicians like Mozart and Beethoven. Now, these creations are all masterpieces, but these aren’t the real deal that made their way into history books and biographies. So without further ado, let’s finally get to the godly feats.

It might be shocking when one hears about these supposed “godly feats” as simple as creating a lightning rod, but back then, they were life saving miracles. And indeed it is true that Ben Franklin did in fact create the lightning rod, a metal stick on a rooftop that could tame lightning. It saved countless people who would otherwise have their homes set on fire by lightning. Besides taming lightning, Benjamin Franklin needed something more to become a founding father. He convinced France to join the fight for freedom of America, he convinced Britain to sign peace, and he helped write the US Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. These actions earned him a place in the founding fathers, alongside people as crucial as George Washington himself. Benjamin Franklin used his intelligence and ingenuity to help America become a worthy nation and become free of Great Britain.

In conclusion, Benjamin Franklin is one of the most famous and crucial people ever in American history. He gave priceless life lessons and morals and taught people information, made numerous scientific breakthroughs, and created countless labor saving inventions. He helped America win the war, and he helped America progress to its present state from an unstable nation to one of the most powerful countries in the world. Benjamin Franklin invented things like the lightning rod, which “tamed lightning” and saved countless people’s lives, bifocals, which helped old people see better both near and far without having to change glasses, and the glass armonica, which was said to play music straight from heaven and was used by famous musicians such as Mozart and Beethoven. Benjamin Franklin made history with his inventions, advice, and historical feats, rightfully earning him a seat in the seven founding fathers of America.

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