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Racial discrimination means that a person adopts an attitude of contempt and exclusion towards people other than his own race. The existence of this phenomenon continues to tear American society. As governments at all levels in the United States provide more benefits to minorities, white people feel that they have been discriminated against in society. This difference in cognition has, to some extent, worsened the racial problem in the United States. The "death of George Freud" triggered protests and anger that swept the United States and even the world. The white policeman held Freud's neck with his knee for at least five minutes until Freud lost his life. Zee Thomas with other five teenage girls from Nashville through social media appealed to black youth who opposed racial discrimination like them to take action and raise donations, which was very successful in preventing a peaceful "protest against racial discrimination". We should put an end to this kind of behavior. In my opinion, racial discrimination will only hinder the development of society. We should put an end to this kind of behavior. Every race has its own advantages, and every living life deserves to be respected.

Holding black lives. No justice, No real peace. In addition to Freud's violent law enforcement death by the police, black people were killed repeatedly due to discrimination, such as seventeen-year-old young boy Trevor Martin killed cruelly, in 2013. There is no essential difference between black life and white life, and they should be respected. Black people have also created countless world wonders, such as Bolt, Kobe, and Jordan. They are all black, but they have proved that black people deserve to be respected for their own abilities. Rather than talk about justice and peace, we need to take practical action to stop racial discrimination, hold black lives, and respect black people as well. Many African American women have been working hard in their own way to prevent racial discrimination and black lives from being harmed again. Howard says “African American women are really driving these movements. They may not be getting public acknowledgment, but if you’re spending enough time in these circles, if you’re on the ground, you see these things happening.” Therefore, people should put aside their prejudice against each other and live in harmony.

Age and gender cannot stop African American young girls’ determination to fight against racial and gender discrimination. Black women have long been the “brainchild and backbone of the black freedom movement,” according to Traci Parker, a Professor of Afro-American Studies at the University of Massachusetts. Yet their activism and sacrifices were often overshadowed by men, Parker says. African American black teenage girls represented by Thomas, used social media platforms very reasonably to appeal to and convene black girls who share their goals, fight against racial discrimination, and aspire to be treated fairly. Although they were very young and did not have enough money, they planned the protest activities very reasonably. More importantly, they did not use violence against violence but carried out the protest march very peacefully. Thomas succeeded in turning the crowd’s attention to the experience of being a black teenager. She said “As teens, we are tired of waking up and seeing another innocent person being slain in broad daylight. As teens, we are desensitized to death because we see videos of black people being killed in broad daylight circulation on social media platforms. As teens, we feel like we cannot make a difference in this world, but we must.” Her short words show young people are ready to lead the way and shape their own narratives.

Inheriting the belief of black female predecessors, modern black young women use their wisdom to more effectively carry out anti-racial discrimination activities. Howard, a professor at the University of Iowa, says that social media has a lot to do with the current organizing happening around the country. The girls were able to come together over Twitter, which also became a tactical tool for organizing people. What’s more, social media allows young people to organize movements without too much money and peacefully. This may be one big difference between black women organizers of the past and the present.” Howard says the truth is getting more and more difficult to ignore as these young girls so visibly lead the charge. These black teenage girls bravely seek the fair treatment they deserve in their own way, without racial discrimination and gender discrimination.

Racism has been deeply rooted in history and reality. From the loss of personal freedom to the abolition of slavery to discrimination in public places, it gradually evolved into implicit discrimination in society. This kind of discrimination is more terrible than public humiliation because it is invisible and intangible, but it does exist. Although Thomas successfully organized a protest march, they awakened more African Americans, especially African American girls of the same age, to fight against racial discrimination. They still have a long way to go. The deep-rooted racial discrimination will not be eliminated because of one of their protests. They will also encounter obstacles and difficulties. But I firmly believe that those strong African American black girls will persevere, and one day they will usher in real respect and peace.

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