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Story Review of WOLF WOLF

Characters: The wolf, The boy, The villagers.

Setting: On a hill in a village

plot: The boy is lying to the villagers.

Genre: Fable

The story Wolf Wolf is written by John Rocco. It talks about an old wolf; he is too slow or too stiff to catch anything. He tried growing vegetables inside a garden, but there are too many weeds in the garden, so he can’t even find his vegetables. One day, he heard a boy calling him, he went to him, and he discovered that the boy was trying to play a trick on the villagers. The same thing happened the next day. The wolf thought that he could play a trick too. He told the boy that the villagers will not trust him anymore, so he must give the wolf a goat, so the villagers will believe him again. He told the boy to bring it to him. The next day, he found the sheep tied to the fence. But he noticed that the sheep was eating the weeds. She did all the work for the wolf. So, the wolf thinks that he will not eat the sheep anymore.

We should be honest and never lie to others. If we lie one time, no one will believe us anymore. In addition, we need to make bigger and bigger lies to cover the one that we made before, but there will be a person that will know the truth. In the story, the boy lies to the villagers for the first time, so they don’t believe him anymore. He wants them to believe him again, so he made another lie which will make their village lose something. He cooperates with the wolf. The boy does not apologize to the villagers. Instead, he chooses to cooperate with the big bad wolf that the whole village hates. He has no integrity at all. If the wolf comes and says that the boy needs to give him 2 more goats or he will tell the truth to the villagers. Luckily, the wolf did not do that. I think that we should be honest with others.

We should not judge things with our commonsense and our own knowledge. There is a sentence called don’t judge the book by its cover. For example, if we saw a book with an advertisement on the cover, we wouldn't want to see it right? But the story inside may be a very interesting story about an advertisement. In the story, the wolf and the goat are making friends with each other. They are helping each other. When this happens in front of us, we would be so surprised, because this thing jumped out of our commonsense. Based on our knowledge, a wolf and a goat can never be friends. The wolf always wants to eat the goat. When we first see them standing together, we will think that the wolf is eating the goat. But the truth is that they are good friends. I think that we should not judge things with our commonsense, we should ask first.

Win-win is an important thing for people that are cooperating with others. When we are friends with each other, not only one person gets something. Both sides need to get benefits. This is called Win-win. They help each other and both get something. In the story, the goat can be friends with the wolf because they both help each other. At the same time, they all get what they need. The goat gets the weeds that she likes, and the wolf gets the onions that he likes. If only one side gets benefit, the other side will not be very happy. If the wolf gets nothing but the goats get weeds, the wolf is not going to be friends with the goat anymore. I think that we need to have Win-win when we cooperate with someone.

In conclusion, I think that we need to have integrity. It’s okay if we did something wrong, but we need to be honest, we should not lie again to cover our mistake. What we should do is say sorry to the person that we tricked or lied to and ask them if they can forgive us. Everybody can be friends with each other. No matter who we are, if we want, even a human and a bear could be friends. Friends are about helping each other, love each other. Not about who we are. We need to be free to make friends. Win-win is also very important between friends. If only one person gets benefit, the relationship between this pair of friends can’t stay long, it will break someday. When both sides benefit, it is really fair, and our friends will be happy to help us. Good friends benefi from each other.

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