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Story Review of Wolf! Wolf!

Characters: Wolf, the boy, Villagers

Setting: Small garden

Plot: Wolf can't chase animals and cannot find any food. He tries to grow in a small garden. One day, Wolf makes a deal with the shepherd boy.

Genre: fable

There was a very old wolf and his garden has so many weeds, so he can’t grow anything in it. One day, someone calls him and he goes out to see a boy shouting “wolf wolf”. The villagers ask where the wolf is? The boy lies to them. The second time, the boy calls the villagers to come again. The villagers come and now they are unhappy because the boy lies again. The third time, the boy cries again, but this time no villagers come, but the wolf comes. Wolf tries to make a deal with the boy. The boy gives Wolf a goat to make the villagers believe in him. The Wolf gets the goat but he doesn't eat it. The goat helps the Wolf eat up the weeds in his garden and now they are friends because they help each other.

Telling lies doesn't just hurt others, it can come back to the liar and hurt the liar too. There is a nursery rhyme saying “Liar, Liar, pants on fire!” This simple line tells children that lying will eventually hurt the liar if the liar tells too many lies. In the story, the boy has a deal with the wolf and loses a goat. This shows that he gets a bigger lie to cover the previous lie. Lying is not good because it will sometimes cause us trouble.

A win-win situation makes everyone happy. No one will lose and everyone wins. It’s an easy option to choose when nobody has to lose anything. In the story, the goat eats the weeds. The wolf realizes that if he eats the goat then he will not have any vegetables to eat. If he doesn’t eat the goat, he can enjoy vegetables every day. A win-win situation makes both sides beneficial.

Don’t judge the book by its cover because sometimes common sense can fool the readers. Everyone can be friends even when they are supposed to be the predator and prey. Everyone can be friends when they have a common interest. In the story, the wolf helps the goat using his weeds in the garden. And the goat eats all the weeds for the wolf, so the wolf can grow vegetables in his garden again. When two people have the same interest they are most likely to be friends.

This story is a new version of the classic tale The Boy Who Cried Wolf, it talks about a wolf who makes a deal with a shepherd boy. In this story, I have learned three things. First, I learned that lies can hurt the liar and others. Next, I learned that a win-win situation is good for everyone. Last, I learned that with a common interest, everyone can be friends. The story Wolf! Wolf! ends with a surprise ending and it teaches me not to judge a book by its cover. You read it and you will know what I mean.

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