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Story Review of WOLF!

This story is written by Becky Bloom, and it is illustrated by Pascal Biet, and it talks about a hungry wolf who makes friends.The wolf had little money, and he was starving but he only used the money for emergencies so he moved to a quiet and peaceful town. The wolf spotted a farm so went there to hunt for some food. When he got there, he couldn’t believe his eyes! The pig, cow, and duck were all reading! The wolf howled but they ignored him which made the wolf annoyed. The wolf went up to the animals and asked them why they weren't scared  but the pig just pushed him. The wolf decided to read too, so he went to learn, he came back two times. But the animals all disagreed with his reading skills. Finally the animals agreed, and they let him join their pic-nic. 

First friends are important because without friends you will not learn anything new without friends, your knowledge would not improve. When you have a friend, they learn from your ways and you learn from theirs. In the story, the wolf makes some new friends, the pig, duck, and cow. The wolf also learns something new, he learns how to read. Without the friends, the wolf would not know how to read, he would be uneducated and he’d be lonely, he would also be very hungry because if he was not invited to the pic-nic of the farm animals he would still be very hungry, and he might even die! Without friends, life is going to be without joy, and in the shades of black and white, that is why friends are so important to life.

Second, being educated is important because when you are educated you will not only have more knowledge, you will also have manners, and you will be more polite. These three are essential for someone to like you. The benefits of these are that more people will want to be your friend, and you will not be lonely anymore. In the story, the first time the wolf was not very polite, and he jumped over the fence, at the end he rang the doorbell instead. We can see that when the wolf got educated, he got more polite. He went from jumping over people’s fences, which was not very smart and rude, to ringing someone's doorbell. That is why being educated is so important.

Third, never give up because when you give up, you might be very close to the thing you want but you already gave up. Giving up is a bad habit in many people, so at a young age, you should get rid of it. Sometimes when your dreams are in reach but you give up already, you can’t undo it. The choice is made, life is not a dream, life only gives you one chance. In the story when the wolf didn’t give up and he keeps coming back to the farm tio show how much he improved, even if the animals keep disagreeing, the wolf still didn’t give up. We should be like the wolf because when he didn’t give up, he succeeded. Life is made for a purpose, it is made to make us enjoy, it also has many problems with solutions, this is why you should never give up, and reach for your dreams.

In conclusion, I think this is an okay story. I mildly recommend it to you. The advantages are that the drawings are really great, and teaches us various types of lessons. I think the author has done a great job making this book. It is a very easy book with hard meanings in it. The disagreements are that I personally think that the scene where the wolf wanted to eat and headed to the farm was a bit cruel. I think that is because he was going to eat the ones that made him educated! That is why I mildly recommend you to read this book but even with its disadvantages I still think this is a great book. Thanks for reading this story review.

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