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Story Review of Wolf

Basic Elements

Characters: Wolf, Pig, Cow, duck, 

Setting: Farm, town, school, library 

Plot: Wolf is hungry 

Genre: Fantasy 

Perspective: Third person view point

The story wolf was written by Becky Bloom. It talks about a wolf who was super hungry, and he found some animals to eat one day. He had only little left of food so he ran up to the animals to eat them but they ignored him, they were not like the other animals running away for their lives. Wolf saw the animals reading and they said he was an uneducated animal but the farm belonged to educated animals. So the wolf learned to read at school and he came back. What he was reading was too easy so he went to the library to read and improve. He came back but he read nonstop so the animals sent him away. This time the wolf went to a bookstore and got his very own story book. He read with passion and soon he came back to the farm. Once for the first time the animals thought that he was an expert. The wolf was allowed to go to their picnic and he had food to eat in the picnic.

 A friend may impact us while we are with each other. You are the company you keep, this means that being with different people or friends may affect who we are. In the story, The wolf is with the educated animals who read so the wolf starts to read like them. At first the wolf does not know how to read and only knows how to hunt food, but when he is with the animals, he starts to learn to read and become a master at it at the end. Friendships sometimes will give us an influence, we cannot make an example out of ourselves or anything so we will follow others. We may be different in many ways but that doesn't stop us from admiring and learning from others. Making choices of being with what kind of wise person and learning from them doing different terrific things is very important.

Education is not just for getting knowledge, it will also improve our manners. When we go to school, we may learn new things and we will know what to do and what not to do. Uneducated people don’t know what is right to do and they will do the things that come to their mind without thinking if it is wrong. In the story, the wolf wants to learn how to read so he goes to school. He improves on manners while he is learning. He just jumps over the fence to go to the farm at first, but now he knocks on the door. There is a big change within the wolf, he gets some manners. Education is important for getting politeness while we grasp knowledge.

Persistence is important when we meet a complicated matter, treating it as one of our passions will help us. We will most likely give up because it is hard but we should not do that. Practice makes perfect, we will get good at it if we practice eventually. In the story, Wolf persists and practices reading until he becomes a master at it, he tries three attempts to impress the animals and he does impress them. Giving up is an awful thing, we may be almost there to the finish but we give up and there is on reverse. Even if we don’t give up we will at least get something out of it. Giving up is the worst thing we can do, practice will help us finish it somehow after all, because practice makes perfect.

This is an educational story that tells us many themes. First, a friend might affect us due to different personalities. Different people will affect who we are by their own actions, they might be playing so we will follow them to play as well. We do not see them get education so we may just know a friend who only plays but actually is better at learning for real. Second, Educated people are more sensitive about what to do and what not to do. Educated people have manners and know that politeness is right so they will act right for many people even if they don’t like certain people. We should not give up when doing something hard, we might just do one more step and we are finished, we will get something eventually. This is a nice and important story that we should read.

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