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Story Review Of Turtle Turtle Watch Out

Characters: turtles, kids

Setting: beach, sea, Florida

Plot: After getting out of the eggshell, the baby turtle escape from some dangers. She grows up and lays eggs on the beach.

Genre: Narrative Nonfiction

The story Turtle, Turtle, Watch Out written by April Pulley Sayre takes place in beach and sea in Florida. After getting out of the eggshell, the baby turtle experiences some risks and escape of some enemies. At last, she grows up and lays eggs on the beach.

Lifestyle of sea turtles is special. At the beginning, the mother turtle lays eggs on the beach. Then turtle eggs hatch into baby turtles, and they crawl to the sea. The baby turtles grow up, they go to the beach, lay eggs again. This is sea turtles’ lifestyle. It is a life-circle.

There are many enemies and risks during the sea turtle’s life. When they are eggs, hungry

raccoons watch them and want to eat them. Hungry cats want to eat them when they are babies. Hungry sharks want to eat them when they are big turtles. There are lots of risks during the sea turtle’s life, too.

Turtles also get some help. A kid holds a flashlight and scares raccoons away. Some kids use wire mesh to protect the turtle eggs. They put up a sign to stop cars from speeding toward the eggs. A kid switches off the light, and turtles scurry toward the ocean waves. At last, someone grabs the plastic bag which can choke a turtle or clog its belly.

In conclusion, the story tells us three things. First, lifestyle of sea turtle is special. It is a life-circle. Second, there are many enemies and risks during the sea turtles’ life. Such as cars, raccoons and cats. Finally, sea turtles also get some help. Human beings should protect the sea turtles.

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