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Story Review of The Woodcutter’s Gift

I read a book today, its name was 《The Woodcutter’s Gift》.

It’s by Lupe Ruiz-Flores. There was a woodcutter who used a

dried-up mesquite tree to create a spectacular zoo and he paint

these sculptures with his neighbors. The colorful amazing zoo

makes the townspeople happy and the people from the city want to

buy the zoo. The woodcutter doesn’t sell the zoo but he donates

one piece to the museum so others can enjoy it, too. Everyone

cheered and danced. They were tired so they don’t know the

animals were alive!

Don’t judge the book by its cover. When we see something,

we should not only look at its appearance, and we should look at

its inside. In the story, the woodcutter tells other people not to

destroy this good tree by saying “The beauty of this tree is not on

the outside but on the inside.” The woodcutter finds the beauty of

the tree by looking at its inside. He makes good use of the wood

instead of using firewood. So, don’t judge anything by the way its


Good things take time. When we want to be successful, we

should put in a lot of time, effort, and patience. In the story, the

woodcutter wants to give everyone a surprise. So he work hard

every day until the sun went down and tells the neighbors to be

patient. The woodcutter use his time and efforts to create a

spectacular zoo from that dried-up old mesquite tree. Be prepared

to give your time, effort, and patience to achieve it.

Teamwork is power. When we want to complete an enormous

project, we should teamwork. In the story, the children want

colorful animal sculptures. So the woodcutter and townspeople get

to paint and paintbrushes to paint the animals' sculptures together.

The woodcutter and townspeople teamwork and create a

spectacular zoo for everyone. So, one tree doesn't make a forest,

teamwork is very important to our success.

From this story, I learned that don’t judge anything by the way

it looks and that if you want to be successful you should work hard,

be patient, effort and give your time. But one person doesn’t

accomplish much, the most important thing is teamwork. So, if you

can do it, you will be more powerful and success will come soon.

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