A thunderstorm knocked down a giant tree in the town square. The
neighbors thought they could only cut the tree into woodchips, but the
woodcutter didn’t agree. He worked hard to carve the tree into many
animals. All the neighbors painted the animals in the town square together.
Someone from city wanted to buy the animals because they thought they
were art. The woodcutter decided to keep the zoo in the neighborhood
except one piece for the city museum.
Don’t judge a book by its cover. When we look at something, we
should not only look at the appearance and we should care about the
inside. In the story, the woodcutter told others to not cut the tree into
pieces. The woodcutter finds the beauty of the tree by looking at its inside.
He makes a good use of the wood instead of cutting it into pieces. So we
should always look into others’ inside instead of judge their outside.
Teamwork is important. With teamwork you can do anything! In the
story, the neighbors worked together to paint the wooden zoo. Everyone
helped paint and now the children are happy. Teamwork makes the dream
work. So we should always try to work with others to make a good team. If
we help each other and work together, we can accomplish many hard
A work of art comes from life. If you paint with your heart, the work
will turn out beautifully. In the story, when everyone paints the animals
with their heart and imagination, the wooden animals become beautiful
and magical. Those wooden pieces are arts now because people put their
experience and emotions into them. So we should always let our hearts
guide us to what we would like to paint.
This story shows that something normal can turn into something
awesome if we work hard on it, like how the woodcutter tuned the dead
tree into a beautiful zoo. It also shows you should always try to do teamwork. Everyone helped with painting the animals and made them