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Story Review of The White Umbrella”

"The White Umbrella" is a short story by Gish Jen that explores the theme of cultural identity and the desire to fit in. The story is narrated by a young Asian girl who longs to be accepted by others. One day, at her piano class, she is given a white umbrella. That particular day, it was raining, and at her piano class, a white umbrella caught her eye. The narrator longs for an umbrella as she sees it as a sign of wealth and a way to fit in with others. However, when the narrator, her mother, and sister, get into a minor car accident, she realizes that in life, there are more important things than fitting in with others. She realizes that her desire to be someone she is not has compromised her own self-esteem and authenticity. So without further ado, let us join the narrator on her journey of self discovery.

The title of the story, “The White Umbrella,” has a symbolic meaning that helps develop the story and helps the narrator realize the importance in life. The white umbrella represents the desire to fit into the American culture for a young Asian girl who wants to become part of her community. It symbolizes her longing to belong and feel accepted by others. This is evident when she mentions how all the other girls have umbrellas, indicating that she wishes to conform and be like other girls. The white umbrella is a symbol of the glamorous and charmed life that the narrator yearns for. The narrator doesn't have an umbrella and really wants one, almost as if having an umbrella makes her like everyone else. However, after the accident, the narrator realizes that there are more important things in life, than being like other girls, and having an umbrella. The white umbrella serves as a reminder to the audience of the importance in life and our own personal values.

The human needs to belong and conform and change one’s behavior in many ways. As humans, we want to belong, and in order to do so, we try to behave differently and cover up our insecurities and flaws. The narrator lies to her piano teacher and pretends to be something she is not because she is embarrassed and doesn't want to admit that her mother works. She wants her mom to be a stay-at-home mom, like all the other mothers she knows. She also lies that her mother is a concert pianist to her piano teacher, wanting to impress and be praised by her piano teacher. The narrator then continues to lie about her mother coming to pick her and Mona up to make it seem like her life is perfect and the life of every other family. The narrator’s need to belong and conform also causes her to value an umbrella over her family. It is normal for humans to want to belong and conform badly, but we shouldn’t do so by lying. If you really belong in a community, others will accept you for who you truly are without you having to pretend in order to be accepted by others. The human need to belong and conform can affect one’s behavior in many ways and affect their values and order of importance.

You should appreciate the things that already make you happy and not get distracted by what you think will make you happy. Ask yourself, what in life makes you happy already? Do you really need to make yourself happy? In the story “The White Umbrella,” the narrator thinks that having the white umbrella will satisfy her. When she finally gets hold of the umbrella, she is described to be overjoyed and so happy, twirling the umbrella above her head. However, this happiness doesn’t last when they get into a minor accident. The narrator is no longer happy having the umbrella, instead, focuses on the life of her mother. She discovers that the things she already has is what matters most to her and makes her happy. True happiness lies in cherishing the present moment and finding contentment in what you already possess. Do not be distracted by what you initially thought would bring you happiness, but rather finding happiness in the present and the relationships you have cultivated.

In "White Umbrella," the story showcases the importance of gratitude and recognizing the value of existing blessings rather than continuously seeking external sources of happiness. In the end, the narrator learns to embrace her own cultural identity and finds solace in her family's traditions and values. She lets go of the desire to fit in with a world that doesn't truly accept her and recognizes the importance of staying true to herself. "The White Umbrella" highlights the struggle many individuals face in trying to reconcile their cultural heritage with the pressure to conform to societal expectations. It emphasizes the importance of embracing one's own identity and finding acceptance from within, rather than seeking it externally.

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