The story of The Tiny Seed written by Eric Carle talks about a tiny seed’s life cycle. When the seeds are sailing in wind, they might face the risks of burning from the sun, drowning in the ocean and much more. If they land, they might get eaten by a mouse or a bird. If they grow into a plant, they might get picked, stepped on. Another bigger plant may take away their needs like the sunshine or water. Finally, the seed will grow into a giant flower and in fall the flower will die and it will make its own seed and the life cycle starts over.
Living things have their own life cycles. Nothing can live forever and every life as birth and death. In the story, the tiny seed grows from a seed to a plant, then a flower. After the flower fades, it has its own seeds and finally, it dies. The seed grows from small to big and it faces a lot of risks during its life. It never stops growing. It grows into a giant flower and spreads its own seeds. The end of its life cycle is death. Nothing can live forever and never die.
Good things take time. It is not easy to make a good thing happen. In the story, the tiny seed grows slowly but it grows on and on. Finally, it grows into a huge plant. Even though the tiny seed is slow, it doesn’t stop and it becomes big. If we want a good thing to happen, we have to be patient too.
Being small might not be bad. A seed can be small in the beginning, but it might still grow into a big plant. In the story, the seed was small but it is the only seed survived in the story. It was so tiny that the bird and the mouse didn't even see it and eat it. Sometimes, being small might be an advantage. It is not too bad to be small, as long as it keeps growing.
This story is about a tiny seed’s life cycle. It was smaller and slower than any other seeds, but it keeps going and growing. It is the only survivor in the seeds that sail with it. It eventually becomes a giant flower and spreads its own seed. It’s Ok to be small and slow as long as you keep growing.