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Story Review of The Secret Garden


Basic Elements

  1. Characters: Mary, Martha, Brother Dickon, Mrs. Medlock, Mrs. Crawford, Basil, Ayah, her parents

  2. Setting: Misselthwaite Manor

  3. Plot: Mary’s parents, and nurse dies so she gets sent to live in Misselthwaite Manor

  4. Perspective

  5. Genre: Third-Person

A  spoiled and neglected young girl named Mary Lennox, orphaned in India, is sent to live with her uncle, Mr. Craven, at his gloomy Yorkshire manor, Misselthwaite Manor, after her parents die of cholera there, she discovers a hidden, locked garden that was sealed shut after the death of her aunt, and with the help of her sick cousin Colin and a local boy named Dickon, Mary unlocks the garden, using to it and using its restorative power to heal both herself and Colin, while also bringing her grieving uncle out of his isolation.

When children grow, we need to make sure that they receive a good environment, with less bad influence. As they grow, children learn many things like love, friendship, and words. If they are around bad influences, they will learn bad manners when they grow up. In the story, Mary has servants which obey her, this makes her think that everyone will obey her, and turns her into a spoiled child. Her parents should have spent more time with her teaching her manners, and giving her love. DNA cannot be changed, but the people around one, their environment, love, and how their parents teach her/him will change everything.

Parenting is important because the emotions and manners kids have all depends on how much time the parents spend with their kids . If a parent spends enough time with one, then they will make bonds, and develop good manners. In the story, Dickon and his mother have a good bond: Dickon’s mother encourages him to be with nature, when she dies, Dickon is left to stay in a room with nobody, his life starts to fall apart. Without the love of parents, a child will not be able to be loved, without its manners a parent taught. It is important to show love, and affection towards children for them to develop the correct essential skills.

Friendship is essential because it could cheer one up, and prevent isolation . Strong friendships help one with the challenges in life, friends are loyal, and will help each other, without it one will not survive. In the story, Mary’s friendship with Dickon changes Mary. Dickon encourages her, and  love for the garden helps Mary be a better person. With a friend people change, and be better, without a friend, people change and become worse. A single rose can be my garden... a single friend, my world. 

Nature can heal broken people, emotionally. Being in nature can also make hobbies, it can be fun for one to plant and take care of plants, it gives one passion. Nature is also peaceful, there is only going to be sound of animals, and water in the forest, this can calm one down. In the story, Mary starts healing when she is in the garden. This shows how powerful nature can be, it heals people and could make big impacts on one’s life. “Reading about nature is fine, but if a person walks in the woods and listens carefully, he can learn more than what is in books, for they speak with the voice of God.” - George Washington Carver

The Secret Garden talks about growth, parenting, friendship, and nature. It is good because it tells us about how a person could change over time. The garden also tells us about how nature can heal one. The bad thing about this book is about its characters. The mothers usually just spoil the kids, and act carelessly. This is not a very good thing in real life. Another good thing is about how the story illustrates the importance of parenting. This could teach both adults, and children about how they decide the future themselves.


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