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Story Review of the Printer

Characters-Father, son, and workers

Setting-Newspaper factory and home

Plot-The father is deaf and he works for a newspaper. When the factory catches fire he tells everyone and they get out safely. After they rebuild, the company thanks the father.

Perspective-first person

Genre-realistic fiction

The Printer by Myron Uhlberg is about a deaf father who works at a printing press and when a fire starts he saves everyone by warning them and they thank him. The father gives his son a newspaper hat everyday and the people who are not deaf don’t talk to father while the ones who are are his friends. One day while he is working at the press, a fire starts and only he realizes that. The father signs to other deaf workers about the fire and he also makes a lot of noise to alert everyone. When the fire is finally put out the father has saved everyone and he was the last one out. After a while everyone joins together and gives father a newspaper hat which when he puts on, the co-workers sign thank you to the father as a sign of respect.

We should approach people who are different from us with more care, empathy, and patience. When you meet someone who has health conditions or impairments, it takes thoughtful effort to truly understand and accept them. We all have unique value to offer. The father and countless other deaf people were not treated nicely by the people who could hear but after the father saved everyone from the fire, the workers now recognized his strength even though he was different. They could also see that the father is courageous and empathetic. At first, it may be difficult or uncomfortable when people different from you are around. But overtime, you may find that their difference was actually an asset not a flaw. We should make an effort to try our best to see the strength in people who seem unlike us.

Saving lives is the utmost priority in an emergency regardless of fear and history between you. This remains true even if they have treated you unkindly in the past, they still don’t deserve to die. When the father spotted the fire, he didn’t just run away with his friends and leave other coworkers behind. He saved everyone by staying and warning everyone even though the people who could hear were not nice to him in the past. The Father only left when everyone was out and he was the last one. His selfless actions show that he cares about everyone. There are times when we must find the courage to rise over fear and to do what is right. No matter the situation, lives are the most important out of everything.

Though seeming modest, a gift that is heartfelt and useful can actually carry much meaning and thoughtfulness. When selected or made with care to address a special meaning, gifts don’t have to be expensive to show our gratitude. As shown in the story, the newspaper hat is important to both the father and son. This shows their bond and closeness. When the co-workers gave him the newspaper hat and also signed thank you to the father, although the gift was not expensive or even having any physical shape the father understood that they really were grateful for himself. This is a very humble gift to father which is greater than all other material rewards they could have given to him, because the spirit behind the gift matters most, not the cost. Simple gifts can show love and gratitude as long as selected from your heart.

The Printer by Myron Uhlberg is a very heartfelt and touching story which carries great meaning. It teaches us that we should treat people who have disabilities with more care and kindness. This also means that in the case of an emergency, lives are the most important and we should try to save people in danger no matter what we fear. The author also used a rhetorical device which in this case is symbolism. For the boy and father, the hat symbolizes the relationship between the two of them. For the workers and father, the hat symbolizes the gratitude the workers have for father. For only father, the hat symbolizes his love of work. The repetition of the newspaper hats as a symbol also reinforces the theme that small gifts carry deep meaning. This story is very heartwarming which encourages us to be more accepting, considerate, and brave.

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